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package main
import (
solutions "../../solutions"
type stuNode = NodeAddL
type solNode = solutions.NodeAddL
func stuPushFront(node *stuNode, num int) *stuNode {
tmp := &stuNode{Num: num}
tmp.Next = node
return tmp
func stuNumToList(num int) *stuNode {
var res *stuNode
for num > 0 {
res = stuPushFront(res, num%10)
num /= 10
return res
func stuListToNum(node *stuNode) int {
var n int
for tmp := node; tmp != nil; tmp = tmp.Next {
n = n*10 + tmp.Num
return n
func solPushFront(node *solNode, num int) *solNode {
tmp := &solNode{Num: num}
tmp.Next = node
return tmp
func solNumToList(num int) *solNode {
var res *solNode
for num > 0 {
res = solPushFront(res, num%10)
num /= 10
return res
func solListToNum(node *solNode) int {
var n int
for tmp := node; tmp != nil; tmp = tmp.Next {
n = n*10 + tmp.Num
return n
func stuNodeString(node *stuNode) string {
var result string
for tmp := node; tmp != nil; tmp = tmp.Next {
result += strconv.Itoa(tmp.Num)
if tmp.Next != nil {
result += "->"
return result
func solNodeString(node *solNode) string {
var result string
for tmp := node; tmp != nil; tmp = tmp.Next {
result += strconv.Itoa(tmp.Num)
if tmp.Next != nil {
result += "->"
return result
func compareNodes(stuResult *stuNode, solResult *solNode, num1, num2 int) {
if stuResult == nil && solResult == nil {
if stuResult != nil && solResult == nil {
stuNum := stuNodeString(stuResult)
z01.Fatalf("\nAddLinkedNumbers(%v, %v) == %v instead of %v\n\n",
num1, num2, stuNum, "")
if stuResult == nil && solResult != nil {
solNum := solNodeString(solResult)
z01.Fatalf("\nAddLinkedNumbers(%v, %v) == %v instead of %v\n\n",
num1, num2, "", solNum)
stuNum := stuNodeString(stuResult)
solNum := solNodeString(solResult)
if stuNum != solNum {
z01.Fatalf("\nAddLinkedNumbers(%v, %v) == %v instead of %v\n\n",
num1, num2, stuNum, solNum)
func main() {
args := [][2]int{{315, 592}}
for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
args = append(args, [2]int{z01.RandPosZ(), z01.RandPosZ()})
for _, arg := range args {
stuResult := AddLinkedNumbers(stuNumToList(arg[0]), stuNumToList(arg[1]))
solResult := solutions.AddLinkedNumbers(solNumToList(arg[0]), solNumToList(arg[1]))
compareNodes(stuResult, solResult, arg[0], arg[1])