You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4.1 KiB

error types


For this exercise, you will have to implement an error type for a form validator. This must validate the password and the first name.

The first name must not be empty and the password must have at least 8 characters, and a combination of alphabetic, numeric and none-alphanumeric (<, &, / ...).


  • "asDd123=%": good.
  • "asgfD": error as it only contains alphabetic characters.
  • "asdsdf2": error as it is missing none-alphanumeric characters.
  • "sad\_#$": error as it is missing numeric characters.

Create a structure named Form that will have the following fields:

  • first_name: String
  • last_name: String
  • birth: NaiveDate that will convert a string "2015-09-05" to a date of that format.
  • fav_colour: of type Color that must be an enum with the fields Red, Blue and Green
  • birth_location: String
  • password: String

You must implement the associated functions new and validate that will validate the form.

For the error type you must create a struct named FErr. It must have the fields:

  • form_values: this will be a tuple of strings representing the invalid input. For example: ("password", "asdaSD\_") or ("first_name", "someone")

  • date: that will have the date that the error occurred in the format "2020-12-14 09:33:41"

  • err: the error description:

    • "No user name"
    • "At least 8 characters"
    • "Combination of different ASCII character types (numbers, letters and none alphanumeric characters)"


chrono = "0.4"

Expected Function

pub use chrono::{Utc, NaiveDate};

// this will be the structure that wil handle the errors
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FErr {
    // expected public fields
impl FErr {
    pub fn new(name: String, error: String, err: String) -> FErr {}

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Color {

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Form {
    // expected public fields

impl Form {
    pub fn new(
        first_name: String,
        last_name: String,
        birth: NaiveDate,
        fav_colour: Color,
        birth_location: String,
        password: String,
    ) -> Form {}
    pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<Vec<&str>, FErr> {}


Here is a program to test your function:

use error_types::*;

fn main() {
    let mut form_output = Form::new(

    println!("{:?}", form_output);
    println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap());

    form_output.first_name = String::from("");
    println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());

    form_output.first_name = String::from("as");
    form_output.password = String::from("dty_1");
    println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());

    form_output.password = String::from("asdasASd(_");
    println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());

    form_output.password = String::from("asdasASd123SA");
    println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());

And its output:

$ cargo run
Form { first_name: "Lee", last_name: "Silva", birth: 2015-09-05, fav_colour: Red, birth_location: "Africa", password: "qwqwsa1dty_" }
["Valid first name", "Valid password"]
FErr { form_values: ("first_name", ""), date: "2022-04-21 09:18:12", err: "No user name" }
FErr { form_values: ("password", "dty_1"), date: "2022-04-21 09:18:12", err: "At least 8 characters" }
FErr { form_values: ("password", "asdasASd(_"), date: "2022-04-21 09:18:12", err: "Combination of different ASCII character types (numbers, letters and none alphanumeric characters)" }
FErr { form_values: ("password", "asdasASd123SA"), date: "2022-04-21 09:18:12", err: "Combination of different ASCII character types (numbers, letters and none alphanumeric characters)" }
