You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Chris 5ff30bcf33 discovery-piscine: add subjects and tests 4 years ago
.. discovery-piscine: add subjects and tests 4 years ago

Hello There 👋


Install Scoop (windows) or Brew (mac)

Follow the instructions here:

Linux people, you should know how to handle this

Install git, vscode and nodejs

# windows
scoop install git
git --version
scoop install nodejs
node --version
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install vscode
code --version

# mac
# git should already be installed
git --version
brew install node
node --version
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
code --version

Configure git and vscode

# Set your username and email
# (the double quotes "" are important)
git config --global "Your name here"
git config --global ""

# Tell git to use vscode
git config --global core.editor code

# Add colors to the info, not important but fancy
git config --global color.ui true

If you are adventurous, you can also setup your SSH key this will allow you to avoid typing your password everytime.


There are 3 types of values, and they can model the WORLD !
(In the end it's all 1's and 0's for the computer), but us, humans, need an easier way of representing stuff.

We can all agree that 11010001100101110110011011001101111 is not a very friendly way to say 'hello' !

Numbers 🔢

  • Whole numbers: 1, 23, 232139283
  • Negative numbers are prefixed with -: -1, -1231
  • Decimal numbers: 3.14, -2.53343 etc...

Use them for quantities like in daily life.

Booleans /

  • Something is true
  • or false

They represent a truth, an answer to a closed-ended question (anything that can be answered with yes or no):

  • Is paris the capital of France ? true
  • Are you born before 1723 ? false
  • Is your screen turned on ? true (most likely)

Strings 🆒

  • 'Hello'
  • 'This is some text'

A string is a sequence of characters used to represent text, it needs delimiters to define its begining and end.
Delimiters are matching quotes, either `, " or '.

Using console.log

To display output from a script into a console, use the function console.log:

console.log() // <- will show an empty line

Add any value between the parentheses to see it appear when the script is executed.

It is very important to use this often to validate that our code is valid. The more it is tested, the easier it is to understand what's going on in the code !

In doubt, console.log everything, don't be shy, they are for free.


Once you have installed and configured the necessary tools, create a git repository named [[ROOT]] with a hello-there.js JS file that is a program that displays the exact text Hello There !, any Number and a Boolean.

Don't forget to commit and push the file to the servers

You will learn about

  • Terminal
  • Code Editor
  • Git
  • JS