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Docker Test Image

The testImage attribute is the name of the Docker image used to run the container responsible for testing the student's code.

The container runs with the following settings (options of docker run) :

  • --read-only
    • Mount the container's root filesystem as read only
  • --network none
    • Connect a container to a network without Internet
  • --memory 500M
    • Memory limit
  • --cpus 2.0
    • Number of CPUs
  • --user 1000:1000
    • Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
  • --env EXERCISE=hello-world
    • Exercise name
  • --env USERNAME=aeinstein
    • Student's login
  • --env HOME=/jail
    • Home directory of the container
  • --env TMPDIR=/jail
    • Temporary directory of the container
  • --workdir /jail
    • Working directory inside the container
  • --tmpfs /jail:size=100M,noatime,exec,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,nr_inodes=5k,mode=1700
    • Mount a tmpfs directory on /jail, 100 MB writable.
  • --volume volume_containing_student_repository:/jail/student:ro
    • Bind mount a volume containing the student repository, read-only.

Example of a Dockerfile and its entrypoint.