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Are an email and a password asked for in the resgistration?
Does the project detect if the email or password are wrong?
Does the project detect if the email or user name is already taken in the registration?
Try to register as a new user in the forum.
Is it possible to register?
Try to login with the user you created.
Can you login and have all the rights of a registered user?
Try to login without any credentials.
Does it show a warning message?
Are sessions present in the project?
Try opening two different browsers and login into one of them. Refresh the other browser.
Can you confirm that the browser non logged remains unregistered?
Try opening two different browsers and login into both of them. Refresh both browsers.
Can you confirm that only one of those browsers has an active session?
Try opening two different browsers and login into one of them. Then create a new post or just add a comment. Refresh both browsers.
Does it present the comment/post on both browsers?


Does the code contain at least one CREATE query?
Does the code contain at least one INSERT query?
Does the code contain at least one SELECT query?
Try registering in the forum, open the database with sqlite3 <database_name.db> and perform a query to select all the users (Example: SELECT * FROM users;).
Does it present the user you created?
Try creating a post in the forum, open the database with sqlite3 <database_name.db> and perform a query to select all the users (Example: SELECT * FROM post;).
Does it present the post you created?
Try creating a comment in the forum, open the database with sqlite3 <database_name.db> and perform a query to select all the users (Example: SELECT * FROM comment;).
Does it present the comment you created?


Does the project have Dockerfiles?
Try to run the command "docker image build [OPTINS] PATH | URL | -" to build the image using using the project Dockerfiles and run the command "docker images" to see images.
student$ docker images
REPOSITORY              TAG                             IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
<name of the image>     latest                          85a65d66ca39        7 seconds ago       795MB
Does all images build as above?
Try running the command "docker container run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]" to start the containers using the images just created and run the command "docker ps -a" to see containers.
student$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
cc8f5dcf760f        <name of the image>    "./server"               6 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds>8080/tcp   ascii-art-web
Is the docker containers running as above?
Does the project present no unused object?


Enter the forum as a non-registered user.
Are you prohibited to create a post?
Enter the forum as a non-registered user.
Are you prohibited to create a comment?
Enter the forum as a non-registered user and try to like a comment.
Are you prohibited to like a post?
Enter the forum as a non-registered user and try to dislike a comment.
Are you prohibited to dislike a comment?
Enter the forum as a registered user, go to a post and try to create a comment for it.
Were you able to create the comment?
Enter the forum as a registered user, go to a post and try to create an empty comment for it.
Were you prohibited to create the comment?
Enter the forum as a registered user and try to create a post.
Were you able to create a post?
Enter the forum as a registered user and try to create an empty post.
Were you prohibited to create the post?
Try creating a post as a registered user and try to choose a category for that post.
Were you able to choose a category for that post?
Enter the forum as a registered user and try to like or dislike a post.
Can you like or dislike the post?
Enter the forum as a registered user and try to like or dislike a comment.
Can you like or dislike the comment?
Enter the forum as a registered user, try liking and disliking a post and then refresh the page.
Does the number of likes/dislikes change?
Enter the forum as a registered user and try to like and then dislike the same post.
Can you confirm that it is not possible that the post is liked and disliked at the same time?
Enter the forum as a registered user and try seeing all of your created posts.
Does it present the expected posts?
Enter the forum as a registered user and try seeing all of your liked posts.
Does it present the expected posts?
Navigate to a post of your choice and see its comments.
Are all users (registered or not) able to see the number of likes and dislikes that comment has?
Try seeing all posts from one category using the filter.
Are all posts displayed from that category?
Did the server behaved as expected?(did not crashed)
Does the server use the right HTTP method?
Are all the pages working? (Absence of 404 page?)
Does the project handle HTTP status 400 - Bad Requests?
Does the project handle HTTP status 500 - Internal Server Errors?
Are only the allowed packages being used?
As an auditor, is this project up to every standard? If not, why are you failing the project?(Empty Work, Incomplete Work, Invalid compilation, Cheating, Crashing, Leaks)


+Does the project present a script to build the images and containers? (using a script to simplify the build)


+Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
+Does the code obey the good practices?
+Is there a test file for this code?


+Did you learn anything from this project?
+Can it be open-sourced / be used for other sources?
+Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?