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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1016 B
1016 B
Write a program that takes one or more strings and, for each argument, puts the last character of each word (if it's a letter) in uppercase and the rest in lowercase, then displays the result followed by a \n.
A word is a section of string delimited by spaces/tabs or the start/end of the string. If a word has a single letter, it must be capitalized.
If there are no parameters, display \n.
Expected output
student@ubuntu:~/student/reversestrcap$ go build
student@ubuntu:~/student/reversestrcap$ ./reversestrcap "First SMALL TesT" | cat -e
firsT smalL tesT$
student@ubuntu:~/student/reversestrcap$ ./reversestrcap go run reversestrcap.go "SEconD Test IS a LItTLE EasIEr" "bEwaRe IT'S NoT HARd WhEN " " Go a dernier 0123456789 for the road e" | cat -e
seconD tesT iS A littlE easieR$
bewarE it'S noT harD wheN $
gO A dernieR 0123456789 foR thE roaD E$
student@ubuntu:~/student/reversestrcap$ ./reversestrcap | cat -e