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Zouhair AMAZZAL b4a52b5571 DEV-4463 feat(play-with-containers) add play-with-containers 2 years ago
.. DEV-4463 feat(play-with-containers) add play-with-containers 2 years ago


Check the Repo content

A file and all files used to create and delete and manage the student infrastructure must be submitted in the repo.

Are all the required files present?
.env file is not exists in the repo?
Are all pushed files in the repo clean of any credentials or passwords?
Ask the following questions to the group or student
What are containers and what are their benefits of it?
What is the difference between containers and virtual machines?
What is docker and what is its main role of it?
Did the student reply correctly to the questions?
Check the Student Documentation

The Documentation must exists in the file!

Did the file contains the all required information about the solution(Prerequisites, Configuration, Setup, Usage, ...)?
Check the student infrastructure:

The student must implement this architecture: architecture

Run the student infrastructure:
user:~$ docker-compose up
inventory-database   ... done
billing-database     ... done
inventory-app        ... done
billing-app          ... done
RabbitMQ             ... done
api-gateway-app      ... done
did the student respect the architecture?
did the infrastructure start correctly?
Ask the following questions to the group or student
What is microservices architecture?
Why do we use microservices architecture?
What is a queue and what are its benefits of it?
What is RabbitMQ?
Did the student reply correctly to the questions?
Verify the Dockerfiles:
Is there a Dockerfile for each service?
Are all Dockerfiles based on Debian or alpine?
There is no sensitive data in DockerFiles or other solution files, rather it's exists in the .env?
Ask the following questions to the group or student
Explain What is a Dockerfile
Explain the instructions used on the Dockerfile
Did the student reply correctly to the questions?
Check the Containers:
user:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE            COMMAND CREATED STATUS         PORTS                                 NAMES
<...>       inventory-database      <...> <...> <...>          5432/tcp                              inventory-database
<...>       billing-database        <...> <...> <...>          5432/tcp                              billing-database
<...>       inventory-app           <...> <...> <...>          8080/tcp                                inventory-app
<...>       billing-app             <...> <...> <...>          8080/tcp                                billing-app
<...>       RabbitMQ                <...> <...> <...>          5672/tcp                              RabbitMQ
<...>       api-gateway-app         <...> <...> <...>>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp  api-gateway-app
  • inventory-database container is a SQL database server that contains the inventory database, it must be accessible via port 5432.
  • billing-database container is a SQL database server that contains the billing database, it must be accessible via port 5432.
  • inventory-app container is a Node.Js server that contains the inventory-app code running and connected to the inventory database and accessible via port 8080.
  • billing-app container is a Node.Js server that contains the billing-app code running and connected to the billing database and consuming the messages from the RabbitMQ queue, and it can be accessible via port 8080.
  • RabbitMQ container is a RabbitMQ server that contains the queue
  • api-gateway-app container is a Node.Js server that contains the api-gateway-app code running and forwarding the requests to the other services and it's accessible via port 3000.
Check the Container restart policy:
user:~$ docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.RestartPolicy }}" <container-name>
{on-failure 0}
Do all containers exists with the correct configuration?
Do the containers configured to restart in case of failure?
Check the Docker volumes:
user:~$ docker volume ls
<...>     inventory-database
<...>     billing-database
<...>     api-gateway-app
  • inventory-database volume contains the inventory database.
  • billing-database volume contains the billing database.
  • api-gateway-app volume contains the Api gateway logs.
Do all volumes exist with the correct configuration?
Ask the following questions to the group or student
What is Docker volume?
Why do we use Docker volume?
Did the student reply correctly to the questions?
Check the solution network:
Does the connection from outside the docker host allowed only to the api-gateway-app?
Is the connection to the api-gateway-app protected by SSL certification (self-signed certification is authorized)?
Ask the following questions to the group or student
What is the Docker network?
Why do we use the Docker network?
What is an SSL certification and why do we use it?
Did the student reply correctly to the questions?
Check the Docker images:
user:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY              TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
inventory-database     <...>          <...>         <...>          <...>
billing-database       <...>          <...>         <...>          <...>
inventory-app          <...>          <...>         <...>          <...>
billing-app            <...>          <...>         <...>          <...>
RabbitMQ               <...>          <...>         <...>          <...>
api-gateway-app        <...>          <...>         <...>          <...>
Is there a Docker image for each service with the same service name?
Ask the following questions to the group or student
What is a Docker image?
Why do we use Docker images?
Where we can find some Public Docker images?
Did the student reply correctly to the questions?
Test The solution

Inventory API Endpoints

Open Postman and make a POST request to http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/movies/ address with the following body as Content-Type: application/json:
    "title": "A new movie",
    "description": "Very short description"
Can you confirm the response was the success code 200?
In Postman make a GET request to http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/movies/ address.
Can you confirm the response was success code 200 and the body of the response is in json with the information of the last added movie?

Billing API Endpoints

Open Postman and make a POST request to http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/billing/ address with the following body as Content-Type: application/json:
    "user_id": "20",
    "number_of_items": "99",
    "total_amount": "250"
Can you confirm the response was success code 200?
Stop the billing-app container
Can you confirm the billing-app container was correctly stopped?
Open Postman and make a POST request to http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/billing/ address with the following body as Content-Type: application/json:
    "user_id": "22",
    "number_of_items": "10",
    "total_amount": "50"
Can you confirm the response was success code 200 even if the billing_app is not working?


+ Did the student add any optional bonus?
+ Is this project an outstanding project?