You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Augusto 6b35f068ec Add specific dependencies and fix spelling mistakes 3 years ago



You have to design a notification system for a platform.

These events can be: Remainders, Registrations, Appointments or Holidays.

  • Create an event handler that, depending on the type of event, creates different notifications with different colors, different sizes and different positions

  • The possible positions are Top, Bottom and Center: Create and Enum Position with those values

  • Create a method called notify which returns a notification with the following caracteristics for each

    • Remainder: size= 50, color= (50, 50, 50), position= Bottom, content= the slice associated to the enum value

    • Registration(chrono::Duration), size = 30, color = (255, 2, 22), position = Top, content = "You have duration left before the registration ends",

    durations must be displayed in the form of {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} left for the beginning of the event for example if there is two hours 32 minutes and 3 seconds left before the registration then the content will be You have 2:32:2 left before the registration ends

    • Appointment(text) size: 100 color: (200, 200, 3) position: Center content: text associated to the value

    • Holiday size: 25 color: (0, 255, 0) position: Top content: "Enjoy your holiday"

  • Implement the std::fmt::Display trait so the text of the notification is printed in the right color in the command line



chrono = "0.4"

Expected Functions and Data Structures

use chrono::Duration;
use colored::*;

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Position {

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Notification {
	size: u32,
	color: (u8, u8, u8),
	position: Position,
	content: String,

enum Event<'a> {
	Remainder(&'a str),
	Appointment(&'a str),

use std::fmt;

impl fmt::Display for Notification {

use Event::*;

impl Event {
	fn notify(&self) -> Notification {


Here is a program to test your function.

use events::Event::*;
use chrono::Duration;

fn main() {
	let remainder = Remainder("Go to the doctor");
	println!("{}", remainder.notify());
	let registration = Registration(Duration::seconds(49094));
	println!("{}", registration.notify());
	let appointment = Appointment("Go to the doctor");
	println!("{}", appointment.notify());
	let holiday = Holiday;
	println!("{}", holiday.notify());

And its output

$ cargo run
(Bottom, 50, Go to the doctor)
(Top, 30, You have 13H:38M:14S left before the registration ends)
(Center, 100, Go to the doctor)
(Top, 25, Enjoy your holiday)