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Objects Edition

Allow you to edit an object, see and manage its relations.

Page Composition


Pin 1

  • Link back to the "Objects" page ;
  • Editable name field, hit 'enter' or 'cmd + s' or click on the floppy-disk icon to save ;
  • Major dependencies visualisation, (where my object is used as a child), click the label to navigate to the dependence ;
  • External URL, this is an optional parameter, it's use to point at an other source of content or information needed by the object. We generaly use to point at a Git repository ;

Pin 2

  • Delete Button, Warning there, it will destroy your object! ;
  • Type of your Object (organisation, campus, onboarding, cursus, quest, exercise), save on select ;
  • Status of your Object (draft, online, offline), save on select ;
  • The first and last name of the original author ;

Pin 3

  • Object Attribute edition area, manage all the attributes relative to this Object. These attributes will be exposed to its relationship ;

Pin 4

  • Object Children edition area ;
  • Children Attributes edition area, these attributes impact and overload all the following children. Works the same way as standard attributes ;
  • Add a child, allows to add a child to the children list, more information here -> Object Child creation ;
  • Children List, allows you to reorganise, delete and edit child. Each child can be overload with its own attributes, the edition works the same way as the original attributes ;

More informations about attribute overload system [here] ((