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Let's change some things : make the Character as abstract. You can now try to instantiate a Character object, it will fail :)

Change the attack and takeDamage methods : put them as abstract too.

Now, if you try to launch some example, it will fail. Indeed, you need to implement both methods in all subclasses. Do this as follow :

Remember that in all cases, the currentHealth should not be lower than 0.

  • For Monster class :
    • the attack method should deal 7 damages to the character as parameter.
    • the takeDamage method should take 80% of all the damages, rounded to the inferior integer.
  • For the Sorcerer class :
    • the attack method should heal itself (using the heal method) then deal 10 damages to the character as parameter.
    • the takeDamage method should take all the damages.
  • For the Templar class :
    • the attack method should heal itself (using the heal method) then deal 6 damages to the character as parameter.
    • the takeDamage method should take the damage as parameter minus the shield value.


Here is a possible to test your function :

public class ExerciseRunner {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Templar alistair = new Templar("Alistair", 18, 2, 4);
        Sorcerer morrigan = new Sorcerer("Morrigan", 21, 5);
        Monster dragon = new Monster("Dragon", 12);



and its output :

$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner 
Characters currently fighting :  
 - Alistair is a strong Templar with 17 HP. It can heal 2 HP and has a shield of 4.
 - Morrigan is a sorcerer with 19 HP. It can heal 5 HP.
 - Dragon is a monster and is dead

