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Linux is the most widely used kernel (the core of an operating system).

Linux can be found everywhere there is a computer : data centers, phones, gaming consoles, cars, planes, submarines, space stations...

Operating systems using the Linux kernel are called "Linux distributions".

Tux mascot

"But this wasn't to be just any penguin. Above all, Linus wanted one that looked happy, as if it had just polished off a pitcher of beer and then had the best sex of its life."

Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary (Linus Torvalds, David Diamond)

This series of projects will introduce you to a Linux distribution called Debian and its use in servers (always-on computers providing the required services for Internet and applications).

You'll become a better programmer by knowing what's underneath your programs and what's behind Cloud services.

It will also allow you to learn some tricks to better control your machine and servers.


To practice in a standardized way and without the risk of altering your own operating system, install the hypervisor VirtualBox.

This will allow you to run virtual machines (virtual computers accessible through a window).

This way, whatever your operating system, you can, for example, run Linux, Windows & macOS in 3 separate windows at the same time.


Operating systems are usually installed with a "disk image" that can be written to a USB stick or CD/DVD for installation on a computer, or kept as is for installation in a virtual machine (which is the case here).

Install Debian (ISO installer "netinst" is recommended) in a VM (Virtual Machine). The steps are :

  • Create the VM.
  • Start the VM and attach the ISO file as an optical drive (CD/DVD).
  • Follow the steps of the installer, it will reboot with a Debian system ready to use.

Shut down

Gracefully close the VM using "ACPI Shutdown". It's like pressing the power button of a real computer.