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Create a function contain that checks a HashMap to see if it contains a given key.

Create a function remove that removes a given key from the HashMap.

  • Note: pay attention to the comment in the usage


Expected functions

pub fn contain(h: &HashMap<&str, i32>, s: &str) -> bool {}

pub fn remove(h: &mut HashMap<&str, i32>, s: &str) {}


Here is a program to test your function.

use simple_hash::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let mut hash: HashMap<&str, i32> = HashMap::new();
    hash.insert("Daniel", 122);
    hash.insert("Ashley", 333);
    hash.insert("Katie", 334);
    hash.insert("Robert", 14);

        "Does the HashMap contains the name Roman? => {}",
        contain(hash.clone(), "Roman")
        // this is not correct, fix it to match the solution the expected function
        "Does the HashMap contains the name Katie? => {}",
        contain(hash.clone(), "Katie")
        // this is not correct, fix it to match the solution the expected function
    println!("Removing Robert {:?}", remove(hash.clone(), "Robert"));
        "Does the HashMap contains the name Robert? => {}",
        contain(hash.clone(), "Robert")
        // this is not correct, fix it to match the solution the expected function
    println!("Hash {:?}", &hash);

And its output

$ cargo run
Does the HashMap contains the name Roman? => false
Does the HashMap contains the name Katie? => true
Removing Robert ()
Does the HashMap contains the name Robert? => false
Hash {"Katie": 334, "Daniel": 122, "Ashley": 333}