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Has the requirement for the allowed packages been respected? (Reminder for this project: only standard packages)
Does the project have a DockerFile?
Try running the command "docker image build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -" to build the image using the project Dockerfile.
Example :

"docker image build -f Dockerfile -t <name_of_the_image> ."

student$ docker images
REPOSITORY              TAG                             IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
<name of the image>     latest                          85a65d66ca39        7 seconds ago       795MB
Run the command "docker images" to see all images. Is the docker image built as above?
Try running the command "docker container run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]" to start the container using the image just created. (example : "docker container run -p <port_you_what_to_run> --detach --name <name_of_the_container> <name_of_the_image>")
student$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
cc8f5dcf760f        ascii-art-web-docker   "./server"               6 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds>8080/tcp   ascii-art-web
Run the command "docker ps -a" to see all containers. Is the docker container running as above?
Try running the command "docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]". (example : "docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash") and do a "ls -l" to see the file system.
student$ docker exec -it postgres /bin/bash
I have no name!@51c2efe2d366:/$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x   1 root root 4096 Dec 28 15:31 bin
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Sep  8 10:51 server.go
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Sep  8 10:51 templates
I have no name!@51c2efe2d366:/$ exit
Is the file system of the containers well organized?
Does the DockerFile contain some metadata applied to the docker object?
Does the project present no unused object?
As an auditor, is this project up to every standard? If not, why are you failing the project?(Empty Work, Incomplete Work, Invalid compilation, Cheating, Crashing, Leaks)


[+] Does the project present a script to build the images and containers? (using a script to simplify the build)


[+] Does the server run quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
[+] Does the code obey the good practices?
[+] Is there a test file for this code?
[+] Are the tests checking each possible case?
[+] Are the instructions in the website clear?
[+] Does the project run using an API?


[+] Did you learn anything from this project?
[+] Can it be open-sourced / be used for other sources?
[+] Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?