You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
1.9 KiB

package main
import (
func main() {
execFatal := func(name string, arg ...string) string {
b, err := exec.Command(name, arg...).CombinedOutput()
s := string(b)
if err != nil {
return s
// executes the test and compares student with solutions
executeTest := func(args string, x, y int) {
var output, correct string
if x == 0 && y == 0 {
output = execFatal("sh", "-c", args+" | ./raid3_student")
correct = execFatal("sh", "-c", args+" | ./raid3")
} else {
output = execFatal("sh", "-c", "./"+args+" "+strconv.Itoa(x)+" "+strconv.Itoa(y)+" | ./raid3_student")
correct = execFatal("sh", "-c", "./"+args+" "+strconv.Itoa(x)+" "+strconv.Itoa(y)+" | ./raid3")
if output != correct {
z01.Fatalf("./%s %d %d | ./raid3 prints %q instead of %q\n",
args, x, y, output, correct)
// builds all the files for testing, student, solution and relevant files
execFatal("go", "build", "-o", "raid3", "solutions/raid3/main.go")
execFatal("go", "build", "-o", "raid3_student", "student/raid3/main.go")
execFatal("go", "build", "solutions/raid3/raid1aprog/raid1a.go")
execFatal("go", "build", "solutions/raid3/raid1bprog/raid1b.go")
execFatal("go", "build", "solutions/raid3/raid1cprog/raid1c.go")
execFatal("go", "build", "solutions/raid3/raid1dprog/raid1d.go")
execFatal("go", "build", "solutions/raid3/raid1eprog/raid1e.go")
// testing all raids1
table := []string{"raid1a", "raid1b", "raid1c", "raid1d", "raid1e"}
for _, s := range table {
x := z01.RandIntBetween(1, 50)
y := z01.RandIntBetween(1, 50)
executeTest(s, x, y)
// testing special case AA, AC, A, A
// A C
executeTest("raid1e", 2, 1)
executeTest("raid1c", 2, 1)
executeTest("raid1d", 1, 2)
executeTest("raid1e", 1, 2)
executeTest("raid1e", 1, 1)
executeTest("echo", 0, 0)
// TODO: fix paths