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14 KiB



Using the mall module provided create the following functions to help run a shopping mall:

  • biggest_store: receives a mall::Mall and returns the Store with the biggest square_meters;
  • highest_paid_employees: receives a mall::Mall and returns a vector containing the Employee(s) with the highest salaries;
  • nbr_of_employees: receives a mall::Mall and returns the number of employees and guards, as a usize, in that mall;
  • fire_old_guards: receives a mall::Mall and removes from the mall::Mall.guards all guards who are 50 years old or older;
  • check_for_guards: receives a mall::Mall and a vector of Guard and, if there is not at least 1 guard for every 200 square meters of floor size, a guard should be added to the mall::Mall.guards;
  • cut_or_raise: receives a mall::Mall and raises or cuts, the salary of every employee in the mall by 10%, if the employee works for more than 10 hours (consider that the guards are not employees from the mall).

Expected Function

For this exercise the signature of the function has to be found out.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Mall {
    pub name: String,
    pub guards: Vec<guard::Guard>,
    pub floors: Vec<floor::Floor>,

impl Mall {
    pub fn new(name: &str, guards: Vec<guard::Guard>, floors: Vec<floor::Floor>) -> Mall {
        Mall {
            name: name.to_string(),
            guards: guards,
            floors: floors,

    pub fn change_name(&mut self, new_name: &str) { = new_name.to_string();

    pub fn hire_guards(&mut self, guard: guard::Guard) {

    pub fn fire_guards(&mut self, name: String) {
        self.guards.retain(|x| != name);

pub mod guard {

    #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Guard {
        pub name: String,
        pub age: u8,
        pub years_experience: u8,

    impl Guard {
        pub fn new(name: &str, age: u8, years_experience: u8) -> Guard {
            Guard {
                name: name.to_string(),
                age: age,
                years_experience: years_experience,

pub mod floor {

    #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Floor {
        pub name: String,
        pub stores: Vec<store::Store>,
        pub size_limit: u64,

    impl Floor {
        pub fn new(name: &str, stores: Vec<store::Store>, store_limit: u64) -> Floor {
            Floor {
                name: name.to_string(),
                stores: stores,
                size_limit: store_limit,

        pub fn change_store(&mut self, store: &str, new_store: store::Store) {
            let pos = self.stores.iter().position(|x| == store).unwrap();
            self.stores[pos] = new_store;

        pub fn add_store(&mut self, new_store: store::Store) {
            let mut current_floor_size = 0;

            for store in self.stores.iter() {
                current_floor_size += store.square_meters;

            if self.size_limit < current_floor_size + new_store.square_meters {

        pub fn remove_store(&mut self, store_name: String) {
            self.stores.retain(|x| != store_name);

    pub mod store {

        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
        pub struct Store {
            pub name: String,
            pub square_meters: u64,
            pub employees: Vec<employee::Employee>,

        impl Store {
            pub fn new(name: &str, space: u64, employees: Vec<employee::Employee>) -> Store {
                Store {
                    name: name.to_string(),
                    square_meters: space,
                    employees: employees,

            pub fn hire_employee(&mut self, employee: employee::Employee) {
            pub fn fire_employee(&mut self, employee_name: &str) {
                self.employees.retain(|x| != employee_name);
            pub fn expand(&mut self, square_meters: u64) {
                self.square_meters += square_meters;

        pub mod employee {

            #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
            pub struct Employee {
                pub name: String,
                pub age: u8,
                pub working_hours: (u8, u8),
                pub salary: f64,

            impl Employee {
                pub fn new(
                    name: &str,
                    age: u8,
                    entry_hour: u8,
                    exit_hour: u8,
                    salary: f64,
                ) -> Employee {
                    Employee {
                        name: name.to_string(),
                        age: age,
                        working_hours: (entry_hour, exit_hour),
                        salary: salary,

                pub fn birthday(&mut self) {
                    self.age += 1;

                pub fn change_workload(&mut self, entry_hour: u8, exit_hour: u8) {
                    self.working_hours = (entry_hour, exit_hour);

                pub fn raise(&mut self, amount: f64) {
                    self.salary += amount;

                pub fn cut(&mut self, amount: f64) {
                    self.salary = self.salary - amount;


Here is a program to test your function:

use shopping_mall::*;

fn main() {
    let secs = vec![
        mall::guard::Guard::new("John Oliver", 34, 7),
        mall::guard::Guard::new("Logan West", 23, 2),
        mall::guard::Guard::new("Bob Schumacher", 53, 15),

    let footzo_emp = vec![
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Finbar Haines", 36, 9, 14, 650.88),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Roksanna Rocha", 45, 13, 22, 772.00),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Sienna-Rose Penn", 26, 9, 22, 1000.43),
    let swashion_emp = vec![
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Abdallah Stafford", 54, 8, 22, 1234.21),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Marian Snyder", 21, 8, 14, 831.90),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Amanda Mclean", 29, 13, 22, 1222.12),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Faizaan Castro", 32, 11, 18, 1106.43),
    let pizbite_emp = vec![
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Juniper Cannon", 21, 16, 23, 804.35),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Alena Simon", 28, 9, 15, 973.54),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Yasemin Collins", 29, 9, 19, 986.33),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Areeb Roberson", 54, 9, 22, 957.82),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Rocco Amin", 44, 13, 23, 689.21),
    let grill_emp = vec![
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Rhian Crowther", 45, 9, 15, 841.18),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Nikkita Steadman", 52, 14, 22, 858.61),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Reginald Poole", 32, 9, 22, 1197.64),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Minnie Bull", 54, 14, 22, 1229.73),
    let sumo_emp = vec![
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Chantelle Barajas", 20, 8, 22, 969.22),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Hywel Rudd", 49, 12, 22, 695.74),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Marianne Beasley", 55, 8, 14, 767.83),
    let supermaket_emp = vec![
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Amara Schaefer", 23, 9, 14, 796.21),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Yara Wickens", 39, 9, 14, 853.42),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Tomi Boyer", 64, 9, 14, 881.83),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Greta Dickson", 42, 9, 14, 775.10),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Caroline Finnegan", 41, 9, 14, 702.92),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Indiana Baxter", 33, 13, 20, 991.71),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Jadine Page", 48, 13, 20, 743.21),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Husna Ryan", 43, 13, 20, 655.75),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Tyler Hunt", 63, 13, 20, 668.25),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Dahlia Caldwell", 56, 13, 20, 781.38),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Chandler Mansell", 20, 19, 24, 656.75),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Mohsin Mcgee", 30, 19, 24, 703.83),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Antoine Goulding", 45, 19, 24, 697.12),
        mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Mark Barnard", 53, 19, 24, 788.81),

    let ground_stores = vec![
        store::Store::new("Footzo", 50, footzo_emp),
        store::Store::new("Swashion", 43, swashion_emp),
    let food_stores = vec![
        store::Store::new("PizBite", 60, pizbite_emp),
        store::Store::new("Chillout Grill", 50, grill_emp),
        store::Store::new("Sumo Food", 30, sumo_emp),
    let supermarket = vec![store::Store::new("Pretail", 950, supermaket_emp)];

    let floors = vec![
        floor::Floor::new("Ground Floor", ground_stores, 300),
        floor::Floor::new("Food Floor", food_stores, 500),
        floor::Floor::new("Supermarket", supermarket, 1000),

    let mall_la_vie = mall::Mall::new("La Vie Funchal", secs, floors);

    println!("{:?}", &mall_la_vie);

And its ouput:

$ cargo run
Mall { name: "La Vie Funchal", guards: [Guard { name: "John Oliver", age: 34, years_experience: 7 }, Guard { name: "Logan West", age: 23, years_experience: 2 }, Guard { name: "Bob Schumacher", age: 53, years_experience: 15 }], floors: [Floor { name: "Ground Floor", stores: [Store { name: "Footzo", square_meters: 50, employees: [Employee { name: "Finbar Haines", age: 36, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 650.88 }, Employee { name: "Roksanna Rocha", age: 45, working_hours: (13, 22), salary: 772.0 }, Employee { name: "Sienna-Rose Penn", age: 26, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 1000.43 }] }, Store { name: "Swashion", square_meters: 43, employees: [Employee { name: "Abdallah Stafford", age: 54, working_hours: (8, 22), salary: 1234.21 }, Employee { name: "Marian Snyder", age: 21, working_hours: (8, 14), salary: 831.9 }, Employee { name: "Amanda Mclean", age: 29, working_hours: (13, 22), salary: 1222.12 }, Employee { name: "Faizaan Castro", age: 32, working_hours: (11, 18), salary: 1106.43 }] }], size_limit: 300 }, Floor { name: "Food Floor", stores: [Store { name: "PizBite", square_meters: 60, employees: [Employee { name: "Juniper Cannon", age: 21, working_hours: (16, 23), salary: 804.35 }, Employee { name: "Alena Simon", age: 28, working_hours: (9, 15), salary: 973.54 }, Employee { name: "Yasemin Collins", age: 29, working_hours: (9, 19), salary: 986.33 }, Employee { name: "Areeb Roberson", age: 54, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 957.82 }, Employee { name: "Rocco Amin", age: 44, working_hours: (13, 23), salary: 689.21 }] }, Store { name: "Chillout Grill", square_meters: 50, employees: [Employee { name: "Rhian Crowther", age: 45, working_hours: (9, 15), salary: 841.18 }, Employee { name: "Nikkita Steadman", age: 52, working_hours: (14, 22), salary: 858.61 }, Employee { name: "Reginald Poole", age: 32, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 1197.64 }, Employee { name: "Minnie Bull", age: 54, working_hours: (14, 22), salary: 1229.73 }] }, Store { name: "Sumo Food", square_meters: 30, employees: [Employee { name: "Chantelle Barajas", age: 20, working_hours: (8, 22), salary: 969.22 }, Employee { name: "Hywel Rudd", age: 49, working_hours: (12, 22), salary: 695.74 }, Employee { name: "Marianne Beasley", age: 55, working_hours: (8, 14), salary: 767.83 }] }], size_limit: 500 }, Floor { name: "Supermarket", stores: [Store { name: "Pretail", square_meters: 950, employees: [Employee { name: "Amara Schaefer", age: 23, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 796.21 }, Employee { name: "Yara Wickens", age: 39, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 853.42 }, Employee { name: "Tomi Boyer", age: 64, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 881.83 }, Employee { name: "Greta Dickson", age: 42, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 775.1 }, Employee { name: "Caroline Finnegan", age: 41, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 702.92 }, Employee { name: "Indiana Baxter", age: 33, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 991.71 }, Employee { name: "Jadine Page", age: 48, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 743.21 }, Employee { name: "Husna Ryan", age: 43, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 655.75 }, Employee { name: "Tyler Hunt", age: 63, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 668.25 }, Employee { name: "Dahlia Caldwell", age: 56, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 781.38 }, Employee { name: "Chandler Mansell", age: 20, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 656.75 }, Employee { name: "Mohsin Mcgee", age: 30, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 703.83 }, Employee { name: "Antoine Goulding", age: 45, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 697.12 }, Employee { name: "Mark Barnard", age: 53, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 788.81 }] }], size_limit: 1000 }] }