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5.1 KiB


Try to run the following command "./wget"
Did the program download the file "EMtmPFLWkAA8CIS.jpg"?
Did the program download the expected file?
Try to run the following command "./wget"
Did the program download the file "go1.16.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz"?
Did the program displayed the start time?
Did the start time and the end time respected the format? (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
Did the program displayed the status of the response? (200 OK)
Did the Program displayed the content length of the download?
Is the content length displayed as raw (bytes) and rounded (Mb or Gb)?
Did the program displayed the name and path of the file that was saved?
Try to download a big file, for example: "./wget"
Did the program download the expected file?
While downloading, did the progress bar show the amount that is being downloaded? (KiB or MiB)
While downloading, did the progress bar show the percentage that is being downloaded?
While downloading, did the progress bar show the time that remains to finish the download?
While downloading, did the progress bar progressed smoothly (kept up with the time that the download took to finish)?
Try to run the following command, "./wget"
Did the program downloaded the file with the name ""?
Try to run the following command, "./wget -P=~/Downloads/"
Can you see the expected file in the "~/Downloads/" folder?
Try to run the following command, "./wget --rate-limit=300k"
Was the download speed always lower than 300KB/s?
Try to run the following command, "./wget --rate-limit=700k"
Was the download speed always lower than 700KB/s?
Try to run the following command, "./wget --rate-limit=2M"
Was the download speed always lower than 2MB/s?
Did the program download all the files from the downloads.txt file? (EMtmPFLWkAA8CIS.jpg,,
Did the downloads occurred in an asynchronous way? (tip: look to the download order)
Try to run the following command, "./wget -B"
Output will be written to ‘wget-log’.
Did the program output the statement above?
Was the download made in "silence" (without displaying anything to the terminal)?
Try and open the log file "wget-log".
start at <date that the download started>
sending request, awaiting response... status 200 OK
content size: <56370 [~0.06MB]>
saving file to: ./<name-of-the-file-downloaded>
Downloaded [<link-downloaded>]
finished at <date that the download finished>
Is the structure of the file organized like above?
And if so, was the file actually downloaded?


Try to run the following command "./wget --mirror", then try to open the "index.html" with a browser
Is the site working?
Try to run the following command "./wget --mirror", then try to open the "index.html" with a browser
Is the site working?
Try to run the following command "./wget --mirror --reject=gif", then try to open the "index.html" with a browser
Did the program download the site without the GIFs?
Try to run the following command "./wget --mirror", then use the command "ls" to see the file system of the created folder.
css  img  index.html
Does the created folder has the same fs as above?
Try to run the following command "./wget --mirror -X=/img", then use the command "ls" to see the file system of the created folder.
css  index.html
Does the created folder has the files above?
Try to run the following command "./wget --mirror"
Is the site working?
Did the program mirror the website?


+Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
+Does the code obey the good practices?