You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
2.4 KiB

package main
import (
student "student"
type Node10 = student.NodeL
type List10 = correct.List
type NodeS10 = correct.NodeL
type ListS10 = student.List
func listToStringStu12(l *ListS10) string {
var res string
it := l.Head
for it != nil {
switch it.Data.(type) {
case int:
res += strconv.Itoa(it.Data.(int)) + "-> "
case string:
res += it.Data.(string) + "-> "
it = it.Next
res += "<nil>"
return res
func listPushBackTest10(l *ListS10, l1 *List10, data interface{}) {
n := &Node10{Data: data}
n1 := &NodeS10{Data: data}
if l.Head == nil {
l.Head = n
} else {
iterator := l.Head
for iterator.Next != nil {
iterator = iterator.Next
iterator.Next = n
if l1.Head == nil {
l1.Head = n1
} else {
iterator1 := l1.Head
for iterator1.Next != nil {
iterator1 = iterator1.Next
iterator1.Next = n1
func comparFuncList10(l *List10, l1 *ListS10, data interface{}) {
for l.Head != nil || l1.Head != nil {
if (l.Head == nil && l1.Head != nil) || (l.Head != nil && l1.Head == nil) {
lib.Fatalf("\ndata used: %v\nstudent list:%s\nlist:%s\n\nListRemoveIf() == %v instead of %v\n\n",
data, listToStringStu12(l1), correct.ListToString(l.Head), l1.Head, l.Head)
if l.Head.Data != l1.Head.Data {
lib.Fatalf("\ndata used: %v\nstudent list:%s\nlist:%s\n\nListRemoveIf() == %v instead of %v\n\n",
data, listToStringStu12(l1), correct.ListToString(l.Head), l1.Head.Data, l.Head.Data)
l.Head = l.Head.Next
l1.Head = l1.Head.Next
// removes all the elements that are equal to a value
func main() {
link1 := &List10{}
link2 := &ListS10{}
var index int
table := []correct.NodeTest{}
table = correct.ElementsToTest(table)
table = append(table,
Data: []interface{}{"hello", "hello1", "hello2", "hello3"},
for _, arg := range table {
for i := 0; i < len(arg.Data); i++ {
listPushBackTest10(link2, link1, arg.Data[i])
aux := len(arg.Data) - 1
index = lib.RandIntBetween(0, aux)
if link1.Head != nil && link2.Head != nil {
cho := arg.Data[index]
student.ListRemoveIf(link2, cho)
correct.ListRemoveIf(link1, cho)
comparFuncList10(link1, link2, cho)
} else {
student.ListRemoveIf(link2, 1)
correct.ListRemoveIf(link1, 1)
comparFuncList10(link1, link2, 1)
link1 = &List10{}
link2 = &ListS10{}