You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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For this exercise a function will be tested with the exam own main. However the student still needs to submit a structured program:

This means that:

  • The package needs to be named package main.
  • The submitted code needs one declared function main(func main()) even if empty.
  • The function main declared needs to also pass the Restrictions Checker(illegal functions tester). It is advised for the student to just empty the function main after its own testings are done.
  • Every other rules are obviously the same than for a program.


Write a function that:

  • converts an int value to a string using the specified base in the argument
  • and that returns this string

The base is expressed as an int, from 2 to 16. The characters comprising the base are the digits from 0 to 9, followed by uppercase letters from A to F.

For example, the base 4 would be the equivalent of "0123" and the base 16 would be the equivalent of "0123456789ABCDEF".

If the value is negative, the resulting string has to be preceded with a minus sign -.

Only valid inputs will be tested.

Expected function

func ItoaBase(value, base int) string {
