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Let's add some useful methods to allow us to manipulate and monitor what happens with our characters.

Firstly, let's add something to see all our characters in one call :

  • Add a private static list of Character, allCharacters, which will contain all our characters. In the constructor, you need to add every new Character to this list.
  • Add a static method, printStatus, which takes no parameters and returns a formatted String that lists allCharaters. The awaited format is as follows with new line at the end :
Characters currently fighting : 
 - <character1.toString>
 - <character2.toString>

If there is no character created :

Nobody's fighting right now !

Finally, add a static method, fight, which takes two Character objects and returns the winner in the fight.
During the fight, the first one attacks, then the second one, then the first, then the second and so on until one of them reaches 0 in its currentHealth. When currentHealth for one of them reaches 0, the other one is the winner.


Here is a possible to test your function :

public class ExerciseRunner {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Character aragorn = new Character("Aragorn", 20);
        Character uruk = new Character("Uruk", 15);


        Character winner = Character.fight(aragorn, uruk);


and its output :

$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner 
Nobody's fighting right now !
Characters currently fighting : 
 - Aragorn : 20/20
 - Uruk : 15/15
Aragorn : 11/20
Characters currently fighting : 
 - Aragorn : 11/20
 - Uruk : KO

