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#### General
###### Does the app implement sessions for the authentication of the users?
###### Are the correct form elements being used in the login? (Email, Password)
###### Can you confirm that it is possible to send emojis to other users using the desktop app?
#### Functional
##### Try to register a user.
###### Did the app redirect the user to the social network site?
##### Try to log in the desktop app with the user you just registered.
###### Did the login worked without problem?
##### Try to log in with the user you created, but with a wrong password or email.
###### Did the app detect if the email or password was wrong?
##### Log into the desktop app, then close the app and open it once more.
###### Did the app log in automatically, without being needed to log in once more?
##### Log into the desktop app, then logout and close the app, open it once more.
###### Is the app asking for the user to log in?
##### Try and open a browser with the social-network website and the desktop app, log in with different users in each one. Then with the browser try to send a private message to the desktop user.
###### Did the desktop user receive the message in realtime?
##### Using the same browser and desktop app, try to have a chat between the users.
###### Did the chat between the users went well?
##### Using the same browser and desktop app, try to logout the browser user.
###### Did the user went automatically offline (in real time) on the desktop app?
##### Using the same browser and desktop app, try to log into the browser as a follower of the desktop user (so that the desktop user can see him/her).
###### Did the user went automatically online (in real time) on the desktop app?
##### Try to lose the internet connection while being in the app.
###### Is there some kind of warning that the user lost internet connection?
##### Try to send a message to a follower while offline.
###### Did the app warn that there is no internet connection?
##### Try to search for something in a chat.
###### Is the search engine interactive? (as you write the results are displayed)
##### Try going to the chat conversation between two users, then search for a specific message.
###### Did it output the expected result?
##### Try to run a [VM]( (virtual machine) with Windows, then install the social network desktop application.
###### Did the app installed without any problems?
##### Using this VM, open the app and and repeat all the previous questions.
###### Does the app behave like it should?
##### Try to run a [VM]( (virtual machine) with macOS, then install the social network desktop application.
###### Did the app installed with out any problems?
##### Using this VM, open the app and and repeat all the previous questions.
###### Does the app behave like it should?
#### Bonus
###### +Does the app have an External Authentication? (Github, Google, etc)
###### +Does the search engine include operators? (include, exclude or fuzzy)
###### +Does the search engine include operators for numbers? (equal, not equal, greater than, lesser than)