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add the create event part (first version)

Louise Foussat 5 years ago committed by Clément
  1. 66


@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
> * Edition of the attributes of the object on which the event is based
> * Creation and settings of the event associated to the initial object
> Events are used for: `piscines`, `check-in`, `exams`, `rushes`, `hackatons`, `conferences`.
## Settings for the initial object
> Important indications:
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ This piscine object attributes look like this:
"startAfter": 400
"startAfter": 8160
@ -100,6 +102,21 @@ This exam object attributes look like this:
## Create the event
### Create a new event for your object
> (in *Admin* > *Manage events* > *Add new event*)
<img width="788" alt="Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à 11 37 13" src="">
<img width="789" alt="Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à 11 37 35" src="">
<img width="787" alt="Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à 11 38 07" src="">
* The **reference object** of your event is the object for which you need to create an event: `Check`, `Piscine Go`, etc.
* The **registration starts at** indicates when registration of the event begins.
* The **registration ends at** indicates when registration of the event ends.
* The **event starts at** indicates when the event begins.
> NB:
> * End of registration can't be before its beginning.
> * Start of event can't be before end of registration.
### Settings for you event
@ -109,5 +126,52 @@ This exam object attributes look like this:
> 3. Event's settings
#### General settings
<img width="785" alt="Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à 11 39 26" src="">
General settings of your event can be set after creation of the event. By default, it is the values indicated in the **reference object**.
* **Capacity**
* An unlimited number of person can register to the event, during the regitration duration. When registration ends, only the firsts N persons defined by the **capacity** will be definitly registered to the event, and have access to it.
* If someone unregister to the event, it release one place.
* During registration duration, users can see if their place is provided or if they are in waiting list.
* If the event has children which are event itself, the capacity of its children will be:
* The **capacity** set for each child object.
* Or the capacity of the parent event by default.
* **Description** (facultative)
* It can be used to describe the subject of the event, or to add some practical informations: location, documents to provide, accessibility, etc.
#### Registration
<img width="761" alt="Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à 11 39 37" src="">
* End of registration can't be after start of registration.
* Dates can't be updated after it's passed.
* The **registration duration** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* If it exists, the recommended **delay betaween end of registration and start of event** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* The list of users who wants to participate to the event and asked for registration is accessible by clicking on the link 'N users registered', at the left bottom of this categrory.
#### Event
<img width="740" alt="Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à 11 39 49" src="">
* End of event can't be after start of event.
* Dates can't be updated after it's passed.
* The **end of event** is calculated by default by adding the **event duration** indicated in the **reference object** to the **start of event** date.
* If the event has children which are events itself, the **end of event** can't be before the end of the last child event.
* The **event duration** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* If the event has children which are events itself, the **minimum end of event** is indicated under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* The list of users actualy registered to the event at its creation is accessible by clicking on the link 'N users registered', at the left bottom of this categrory.
#### Children (facultative)
<img width="1009" alt="Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à 18 24 49" src="">
This category appears only if the event has children which are events itself.
* Children settings can't be overloaded.
* Each event child presents:
* Its **Start** and **end** (according to the children settings of the **reference object**)
* Its **capacity**
* Its **groups size**
* Reminder: in `hackatons` or `rushes`, candidates or students registered to the are divided in groups of N persons.
