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new exercise doctor strange for js-piscine date

MSilva95 4 years ago committed by Clément
  1. 52
  2. 24


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export const tests = []
const t = (f) => tests.push(f)
//First week year 0001
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-01')) === 'Monday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-02')) === 'Tuesday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-03')) === 'Wednesday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-04')) === 'Thursday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-05')) === 'Friday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-06')) === 'Saturday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-07')) === 'Sunday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-08')) === 'secondMonday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-09')) === 'secondTuesday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-10')) === 'secondWednesday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-11')) === 'secondThursday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-12')) === 'secondFriday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-13')) === 'secondSaturday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-01-14')) === 'secondSunday')
//random years
t(() => addWeek(new Date('2025-08-11')) === 'secondMonday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('2001-05-11')) === 'secondFriday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('2001-11-07')) === 'secondWednesday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('0001-12-01')) === 'secondSaturday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('1664-08-09')) === 'Saturday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('1995-11-07')) === 'Tuesday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('2020-01-01')) === 'Wednesday')
t(() => addWeek(new Date('2048-12-07')) === 'Monday')
//random time traveling
const test = (time, rightTime, { eq }) =>
eq(time.getTime(), new Date(rightTime).getTime())
t((_) =>
test(timeTravel('2020-05-29 23:25:22', 21, 22, 22), '2020-05-29 21:22:22', _)
t((_) =>
test(timeTravel('2000-05-09 01:28:02', 21, 22, 22), '2000-05-09 21:22:22', _)
t((_) =>
test(timeTravel('2018-06-04 13:01:00', 10, 16, 11), '2018-06-04 10:16:11', _)
t((_) =>
test(timeTravel('1995-11-07 00:21:12', 23, 12, 18), '1995-11-07 23:12:18', _)
t((_) =>
test(timeTravel('1000-09-19 06:00:00', 22, 10, 21), '1000-09-19 22:10:21', _)
t((_) =>
test(timeTravel('1975-05-10 10:07:56', 17, 15, 14), '1975-05-10 17:15:14', _)


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## Doctor Strange
### Instructions
You have been given the mission to create a new sense of time.
Instead of a normal week having only 7 days, you will have 14 days.
Your mission is to create an `addWeek` function that can make this happen.
So now, a week is 14 days from `Monday` to `Sunday` then `secondMonday` to `secondSunday`.
Now imagine you have a doctor appointment and you have to wait some hours.
But you do not want to wait, so what you need to do is create a
function `timeTravel` that allows you to change the time according to your needs, this function
it can go backwards or forwards in time.
You will have a function that takes a date and you will pass 3 more parameters to change
the hour, minute and seconds.
### Example
timeTravel(date, hour, minute, second)
timeTravel(new Date('2020-05-29 23:25:22'), 21, 22, 22)
Output: '21:22:22'