Browse Source


MSilva95 3 years ago committed by Christopher Fremond
  1. 22
  2. 46
  3. 5
  4. 103


@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ For this project you will only have to create a simple `Unix` interpreter where
### Instructions
- You must program a mini `Unix` interpreter.
- This interpreter must display a simple `$` and wait until you type a command line witch will be validated by pressing enter.
- This interpreter must display at least a simple `$` and wait until you type a command line witch will be validated by pressing enter.
- The `$` will be shown again only once the command has been completely executed.
- The command lines are simple, you will not have pipes, redirection or any other advanced functions.
- You must manage the errors, by displaying a message adapted to the error output.
- You must implement the following commands that will behave exactly like the originals:
- echo
- cd
- ls
- pwd
- cat
- cp
- rm
- mv
- mkdir
- exit
- echo
- cd
- ls
- pwd
- cat
- cp
- rm
- mv
- mkdir
- exit
- You must manage the program interruption `Ctrl + D`.
- The project has to be written in a compiled language like (C, Rust, go or other), no semi compiled language like (Pearl and others) are allowed.
- The code must respect the [good practices](


@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#### Functional
#### General
##### Open the project folder and confirm if the project was written in a compiled programming language.
###### Was the project written in a compiled programming language?
###### Can you confirm that the project was written in a compiled programming language?
#### Functional
##### Open a terminal and run the project.
@ -12,59 +12,63 @@
###### Can you confirm that this interpreter displays at least a simple `$` and waits for you to type a command?
##### Try to open the project and run a command at your choice.
##### Try to run a command at your choice.
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter only validates the command if you type enter?
##### Try to open the project and run the command `exit`.
##### Try to run the command `"exit"`.
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter terminates properly and gives back the parent's shell?
##### Try to open the project and run the command `echo "something!"`. Do the same in your computer terminal.
##### Try to run the command `"echo "something!""`. Do the same in your computer terminal.
###### Can you confirm that the displayed message of the project is exactly the same as the computer terminal?
##### Try to open the project and run the command `echo something else` (without double quotes). Do the same in your computer terminal.
##### Try to run the command `"echo something else"` (without double quotes). Do the same in your computer terminal.
###### Can you confirm that the displayed message of the project is exactly the same as the computer terminal?
##### Try to open the project and run the command `pwd`.
##### Try to run the command `"pwd"`.
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter displayed the current path?
##### Try to open the project and create a parent folder with two child folders using the command "mkdir". Then enter the parent folder and do "pwd" .
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter displayed the current path?
##### Try to open the project and enter a directory at your choice by using the command `cd dir/at/your/choice`.
##### Try to enter a directory at your choice by using the command `"cd dir/at/your/choice"`.
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter took you to the correct path? Use `pwd` to confirm.
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter took you to the correct path? Use `"pwd"` to confirm.
##### Try to open the project and run only the command `cd`.
##### Try to run only the command `"cd"`.
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter took you to the users home folder? Use `pwd` to confirm.
###### Can you confirm that the interpreter took you to the users home folder? Use `"pwd"` to confirm.
##### Try to open the project and run the command `ls` in a directory at your choice. Do the same in your computer terminal.
##### Try to run the command `"ls"` in a directory at your choice. Do the same in your computer terminal.
###### Can you confirm that the output is the same in the project and in your computer terminal?
##### Try to open the project and run the command `ls -l -a -F` in a directory at your choice. Do the same in your computer terminal.
##### Try to run the command `"ls -l -a -F"` in a directory at your choice. Do the same in your computer terminal.
###### Can you confirm that the output is the same in the project and in your computer terminal?
##### Try to open the project and run the commands `mkdir new_folder1` and `mkdir new_folder2` in a directory at your choice.
##### Try to run the commands `"mkdir new_folder1"` and `"mkdir new_folder2"` in a directory at your choice.
###### Can you confirm that the directory `new_folder1` and `new_folder2` were created?
##### Try to open the project and run the command `cat new_folder1/new_doc`. Do the same in your computer terminal.
##### Create a document inside the `new_folder1` called `new_doc.txt` with some random text inside. Try to run the command `"cp new_doc.txt ../folder2"` to copy the document to the folder `new_folder2`.
###### Can you confirm that the output is the same in the project and in your computer terminal?
###### Can you confirm that the document `new_doc.txt` is inside the `new_folder2`?
##### Create a document inside the `new_folder1` called `new_doc.txt` with som random text inside. Try to open the project and run the command `cp new_doc.txt ../folder2` to copy the document to the folder `new_folder2`.
##### Try to run the command `"cat new_folder1/new_doc"`. Do the same in your computer terminal.
###### Can you confirm that the document `new_doc.txt` is inside the `new_folder2`?
###### Can you confirm that the output is the same in the project and in your computer terminal?
##### Try to open the project and run the commands `mv new_folder2 new_folder1` to move the directory `new_folder2` inside of the directory `new_folder1`.
##### Try to run the commands `"mv new_folder2 new_folder1"` to move the directory `new_folder2` inside of the directory `new_folder1`.
###### Can you confirm that the directory `new_folder2` is inside of the directory `new_folder1`?
##### Try to open the project and run the command `rm -r new_folder1` to remove what was created above.
##### Try to run the command `"rm -r new_folder1"` to remove what was created above.
###### Can you confirm that the directory `new_folder1` was removed?


@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ In `job control`, you will have to implement the following [builtins](https://ww
- bg
- fg
- kill
- wait
- suspend
- disown
You must also be able to stop jobs with the `Ctrl + Z`.
### Instructions


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#### Functional
##### Try to run the command `"tar -czf home.tar.gz . &"` then run the command `"jobs"`.
[1]+ Running tar -czf home.tar.gz . &
###### Can you confirm that the program displayed a list with the status of all jobs like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"jobs -l"`.
[1]+ 13612 Running tar -czf home.tar.gz . &
###### Can you confirm that the program added the process ID to the normal information given in the command `"jobs"` like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"jobs -p"`.
###### Can you confirm that the program only displays the process ID like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"sleep 50000 &"` then run `"python &"` and press enter without any input in the last command.
[1] Running tar -czf home.tar.gz . &
[2]- Running sleep 50000 &
[3]+ Stopped python
###### Run the command `"jobs"`. Can you confirm that the program displays the list with the status of all jobs and that one of them is "Stopped" like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"jobs -r"`.
[1] Running tar -czf home.tar.gz . &
[2]- Running sleep 50000 &
###### Can you confirm that the program only displays the list with running jobs like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"jobs -s"`.
[3]+ Stopped python
###### Can you confirm that the program only displays the list with stopped jobs like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"kill 7764"`(the process ID must be yours this is just an example).
[2]- Terminated sleep 50000
###### Can you confirm that the program killed and displayed the process with the given id like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"kill %1"`.
[1] Terminated tar -czf home.tar.gz
###### Can you confirm that the program killed and displayed the first process like the example above?
##### Close the program and run it again. Try to run the commands `"tar -czf home.tar.gz . &"`, `"sleep 50000 &"` and then run `"fg"`.
sleep 50000
###### Can you confirm that the program brings the background job to the foreground like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"fg"` then stop the process with the `"Ctrl + Z"`.
sleep 50000
[2]+ Stopped sleep 50000
###### Can you confirm that the program brings the background job to the foreground and after you press `"Ctrl + Z"` the process stops like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"bg"`.
[2]+ sleep 50000 &
###### Run `"jobs"`. Can you confirm that the program started the process in the background like the example above?
##### Try to run the command `"disown %1"`.
[2]+ Running sleep 50000 &
###### Can you confirm that the program removed the first process from the list without terminating it?