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intructions on read only access usage

lee 3 years ago committed by Clément
  1. 69


@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# Read Only token
## instructions
1. **How to get read-only role?**, for applications to get read-only access they can contact an `admin` user so that he/she can add this role to that external application.
2. **How to create and associate application with read-only access?**, for this you must create an application on `gitea` then you can create your own application token. This token will grant access to your account using the `gitea` API. To create this token you must go to **user/settings/application** then **Generate New Token**, you can use this link <https://((DOMAIN))/user/settings/applications>. It should display a token.
3. **How to get the read only token?**, to get this token you must send a request to the authentication service with the application token. The authentication service can be accessed/reached by sending the request to : `https://((DOMAIN))/api/auth/apptoken?token=${appToken}`.
This route will validate the application token and build a new **JWT** that allows you to query the information needed.
The following example should help :
const APPTOKEN = '<app token>' // put your application token here
const res = await fetch(
const { token } = await res.json()
// you should take care of error cases
console.log('JWT : ', token)
4. **What can you query?**, querying information is dependent on the users role. A role is given by default to every user, in this case it should be a `read_only` role. You can see more about possible information you can query [here](
5. **How to query the information?**, to query the information you must send a request with the query you desire to use. You can see more information and instructions about this on the project [graphql](../../subjects/graphql/
The following example should help :
const jwt = '<jwt>' // put your jwt here
const query = '{user(where:{id:{_eq:1}}){login}}' // what you want to query
const res = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
body: JSON.stringify({ query }),
const { data } = await res.json()
// you should take care of error cases...
## Observations
Because of the nature of JWT you should renew the token often, normally this token will have a life spam of one day.
To refresh the tokens you need to do the following:
- Send a request to the authentication service with the `JWT`. The authentication service can be accessed/reached by sending the request to : `https://((DOMAIN))/api/auth/refresh?token=${jwt}`. This route will create a new token and expire the current token.
The following example should help :
const JWT = '<jwt>' // put your jwt here
const res = await fetch(
const { token } = await res.json()
// you should take care of error cases...
console.log('JWT : ', token)