export const tests = [] const t = (f) => tests.push(f) const run = async ({ step, start, end, duration, waitTime = 15 }) => { let arr = [] const round = (nbr) => Math.round(nbr * 100) / 100 const callback = (el) => arr.push(Array.isArray(el) ? el.map(round) : round(el)) interpolation({ step, start, end, callback, duration }) await new Promise((s) => setTimeout(s, waitTime)) return arr } // testing duration time, forbid loops t(async ({ eq }) => { const { length } = await run({ step: 5, start: 0, end: 4, duration: 28 }) return eq(length, 2) }) // testing duration time stamp t(async ({ eq }) => { const { length } = await run({ step: 5, start: 0, end: 4, duration: 10, waitTime: 0, }) return eq(length, 0) }) // testing the amount of times the callback was called t(async ({ eq }) => { const { length } = await run({ step: 5, start: 0, end: 1, duration: 10 }) return eq(length, 5) }) // testing the interpolation points t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run({ step: 5, start: 0, end: 1, duration: 10 }), [ [0, 2], [0.2, 4], [0.4, 6], [0.6, 8], [0.8, 10], ]), ) // testing with different values t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run({ step: 3, start: 1, end: 2, duration: 10 }), [ [1, 3.33], [1.33, 6.67], [1.67, 10], ]), ) // testing with `duration` inferior to `step` t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run({ step: 10, start: 2, end: 6, duration: 4 }), [ [2, 0.4], [2.4, 0.8], [2.8, 1.2], [3.2, 1.6], [3.6, 2], [4, 2.4], [4.4, 2.8], [4.8, 3.2], [5.2, 3.6], [5.6, 4], ]), ) // testing with `start` superior to `end` // inverted straight line t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run({ step: 5, start: 6, end: 2, duration: 6, waitTime: 10 }), [ [6, 1.2], [5.2, 2.4], [4.4, 3.6], [3.6, 4.8], [2.8, 6], ]), ) Object.freeze(tests)