import * as cp from 'child_process' import { mkdir, writeFile } from 'fs/promises' import { join, isAbsolute } from 'path' import { tmpdir } from 'os' import { promisify } from 'util' const exec = promisify(cp.exec) export const tests = [] export const setup = async ({ path, between }) => { const randomFilesNumber = between(30, 6) const dir = `${tmpdir()}/tell-me-how-many` await mkdir(dir) const run = async (cmd) => { const cmdPath = isAbsolute(cmd || '') ? cmd : join(dir, cmd || '') const { stdout } = await exec(`node ${path} ${cmdPath}`) return { stdout: stdout.trim() } } const createXFilesIn = async ({ numberOfFiles, dirPath }) => { for (let i = 0; i < numberOfFiles; i++) { await writeFile(`${dirPath}/${i}.txt`, '', 'utf8') } } await createXFilesIn({ numberOfFiles: randomFilesNumber, dirPath: dir }) return { randomFilesNumber, tmpPath: dir, run, createXFilesIn } } tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx, between }) => { const numberOfFiles = between(5, 13) const dirName = `tell-me-how-many-${numberOfFiles}` const dirPath = join(ctx.tmpPath, `../${dirName}`) await mkdir(dirPath) await ctx.createXFilesIn({ dirPath, numberOfFiles }) const { stdout } = await`../${dirName}`) return eq(Number(stdout), numberOfFiles) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // will execute the script in a directory named `tell-me-how-many` // '../tell-me-how-many' in the argument passed // `tell-me-how-many` directory has a random file number const { stdout } = await'../tell-me-how-many') return eq(Number(stdout), ctx.randomFilesNumber) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // will execute the script without argument const { stdout } = await return eq(Number(stdout), ctx.randomFilesNumber) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // will execute the script with `tell-me-how-many` directory's absolute path as argument const { stdout } = await return eq(Number(stdout), ctx.randomFilesNumber) }) Object.freeze(tests)