export const tests = [] const t = (f) => tests.push(f) const add = (arr, el) => arr.push(el) const run = (callback, callLimit, nbr) => new Promise((r) => { let arr = [] let inter = setInterval(() => callback(arr, 1), callLimit) setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(inter) r(arr.length) }, callLimit * nbr) }) // wait 26ms and execute 4 times every 16ms, executes with a wait time of 26 t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run(throttle(add, 26), 16, 4), 2)) // wait 20ms and execute 2 times every 10ms, executes with a wait time of 26 t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run(throttle(add, 20), 10, 2), 1)) // wait 16ms and execute 5 times every 26ms, will execute with out waiting t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run(throttle(add, 16), 26, 5), 4)) // it works concurently t(async ({ eq }) => eq( await Promise.all([ run(throttle(add, 16), 26, 5), run(throttle(add, 16), 26, 5), ]), [4, 4], ), ) // tests the trailing option t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run(opThrottle(add, 26, { trailing: true }), 16, 4), 1), ) // tests the leading option with wait time in the leading edge of the timeout t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run(opThrottle(add, 15, { leading: true }), 10, 10), 5), ) // tests the leading option with wait time not in the leading edge of the timeout t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run(opThrottle(add, 26, { leading: true }), 16, 4), 2), ) // tests without options t(async ({ eq }) => eq(await run(opThrottle(add, 10), 5, 2), 0)) // tests with both options true t(async ({ eq }) => eq( await run(opThrottle(add, 26, { trailing: true, leading: true }), 16, 4), 2, ), ) Object.freeze(tests)