const is = {} // /*/ // ⚡ export const tests = [] const t = (f) => tests.push(f) // your functions are all tested against all these values: export const setup = () => [ 0, NaN, true, '', '💩', undefined, t, [], {}, [1, Array(1), [], 2], { length: 10 }, Object.create(null), null, console.log, void 0, ] const match = ({ eq, ctx }, fun, values) => eq(ctx.filter(fun), values) // the array of value here is the ones that your function should // return true too, while returning false to every others. t((_) => match(_, is.num, [0, NaN])) t((_) => match(_, is.nan, [NaN])) t((_) => match(_, is.str, ['', '💩'])) t((_) => match(_, is.bool, [true])) t((_) => match(_, is.undef, [undefined, undefined])) t((_) => match(_, is.arr, [[], [1, Array(1), [], 2]])) t((_) => match(_, is.obj, [{}, { length: 10 }, Object.create(null)])) t((_) => match(_,, [t, console.log])) t((_) => match(_, is.falsy, [0, NaN, '', undefined, null, void 0])) // is.def t(({ ctx }) => !ctx.filter(is.def).includes(undefined)) t(({ ctx }) => ctx.filter(is.def).length === ctx.length - 2) // is.truthy t((_) => match(_, is.truthy, [ true, '💩', t, [], {}, [1, Array(1), [], 2], { length: 10 }, Object.create(null), console.log, ]), ) Object.freeze(tests)