## Is ### Instructions Add new function properties to the object `is`` to check a value type - `is.num` value is a number - `is.nan` value is NaN - `is.str` value is a string - `is.bool` value is a boolean - `is.undef` value is undefined - `is.def` value is defined - `is.arr` value is an array - `is.obj` value is a simple object or null objects - `is.fun` value is a function - `is.truthy` value is truthy - `is.falsy` value is falsy ### Notions - https://nan-academy.github.io/js-training/examples/primitive-and-operators - https://devdocs.io/javascript/operators/typeof - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Truthy - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Falsy ### Code provided ```js const is = {} ```