#### Functional ##### Try to open the game. ###### Were you able to enter your nickname? ###### After entering your nickname, were you redirected to a waiting page presenting a player counter? ###### After entering your nickname, did you have access to a chat? ##### Try to enter with another user (in another browser or in private browser). ###### Did the player counter incremented by 1? ###### After entering with another user, can all users chat with each other in realtime (using websockets)? ##### Wait 20 seconds with two users in the waiting page. ###### After 20 seconds did a 10 seconds timer started to begin the game? ###### After the 10 seconds did the game start? ##### Try to enter with 4 different users in the waiting page. ###### As soon as the fourth player entered, did the 10 seconds timer started? ###### While playing the game, are you able to move and place a bomb? ###### Can the player see the whole map at once? ##### Try placing a bomb and standing by it when it explodes. ###### Did you lose 1 of your 3 lives? ##### Try to lose all your 3 lives. ###### Did you lose the game and are not able to play anymore? ##### Try placing a bomb next to another player. ###### Did the other player lost a life when the bomb exploded? ##### Place a bomb next to a destroyable block. ###### Did the block disappear when the bomb exploded? ##### Try to destroy every block on the map. ###### Did the power ups appeared in the places of the blocks? ###### Can you confirm that there is 4 different types of power ups? ##### Open the Dev Tool in the Performance tab. ###### Does it not present frame drop? ##### Open the Dev Tool in the Performance tab. ###### Does the game run at or around 60fps? ##### Open the Dev Tool in the performance tab and select the option rendering with the paint ON. ###### Is the paint being used as less as possible? ##### Open the Dev Tool in the performance tab and select the option rendering with the layer ON. ###### Is the layers being used as less as possible? ###### Are the creation of the [layers being promoted](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/rendering/stick-to-compositor-only-properties-and-manage-layer-count) properly? #### Bonus ###### +Can the player see how many lives he/she has? ###### +Is there any display of who won the game? ###### +Can you play again after the game ends? ###### +Do you think in general this project is well done?