[ { "description": "rounded is defined and the result of using Math.round on num", "code": "let num = 2.8\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(rounded, 3)" }, { "description": "rounded is still the result of using Math.round on num", "code": "let num = 2.2\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(rounded, 2)" }, { "description": "truncated is defined and the result of using Math.trunc on num", "code": "let num = 2.8\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(truncated, 2)" }, { "description": "truncated is still the result of using Math.trunc on num", "code": "let num = 3.2\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(truncated, 3)" } ]