You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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### Skeleton
#### Instructions
Welcome to the `world-wide-what` quest!
In this new digital world you're gonna discover, it is possible to create beings with some lines of code. Yes, it is.
Like a modern Dr Frankenstein, you're about to dive into the `world-wide-what` and give birth to a new entity on the virtual space of your browser.
During this quest, step by step, you are going to shape it.
But before coding anything, make sure you checked the 2 videos of the playlist ; you need to have a server running on your computer.
For the whole quest, the principle is to iterate over your code: when you finish an exercise, copy-paste your code to use it in the next one.
Naming of the files:
- for the HTML files: `name-of-the-exercise.html`
- for the CSS files: when you have to link one, you can manage it as you prefer, but for clarity we suggest you to create a CSS file for each HTML file, named like so: `name-of-the-exercise.css`
- for the JS files, when you have to link one, you can manage it as you prefer, but for clarity we suggest you to create a JS file for each HTML file, named like so: `name-of-the-exercise.js`
Ready? Let's code!
The first step to achieve in your quest is to conceive your being ; for that, 2 things have to be done:
- set some parameters (`<head>` tag)
- define the structure, or skeleton (`<body>` tag)
#### Parameters
To create any project, some things need to be declared in the HTML file - those are not visible elements in your page, but things cannot work without them.
Set your page with [`<html>`]( & [`<head>`]( tags, and also put a [`<title>`]( to name the entity you're going to create.
#### Structure
Now you have to define the skeleton of your future creation.
Remember this as a general rule for any further project you will start: a good way of setting up a project is to think about all the elements needed, organize and divide them in blocks.
Let's define the first level of elements that your entity will be made of ; we're going to split it into 3 main chunks: the face, the upper body, and the lower body.
Inside the `<body>` tag of your HTML file, create 3 divisions using `<section>` tags, putting the following text content inside for each: 'face', 'upper-body', 'lower-body'.
If you open you HTML file in the browser, you should see those 3 texts appear on the screen.
### Notions
- [`html` tag](
- [`head` tag](
- [`title` tag](
- [`body` tag](
- [`section` tag](