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#### Functional
##### Open the project
###### Is the file system for the backend well organized?
##### Open the project
###### Is the file system for the frontend well organized?
#### Database
###### Is Sqlite being used in the project as the DataBase?
###### Does the app implement a migration system?
###### Is that migration file system well organized? (like the example from the subject)
##### Start the social network application, then enter the database using the command `"sqlite3 <database_name.db>"`.
###### Are the migrations being applied by the migration system?
#### Authentication
###### Does the app implement sessions or JWT for the authentication of the users?
###### Are the correct form elements being used in the registration? (Email, Password, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Avatar/Image (Optional), Nickname (Optional), About Me (Optional))
##### Try to register a user.
###### Did the app saved the registered user without error?
##### Try to login with the user you just registered.
###### Did the login worked without problem?
##### Try to login with the user you created, but with a wrong password or email.
###### Did the app detect if the email or password is wrong?
##### Try to register the same user you already registered.
###### Did the app detect if the email/user is already present in the database?
##### Open two browsers (ex: Chrome and Firefox), login into one and refresh the other browsers.
###### Can you confirm that the browser non logged remains unregistered?
##### Using the two browsers, login with different users in each one. Then refresh both the browsers.
###### Can you confirm that both browsers continue with the right users?
#### Chat
##### Try and open two browsers (ex: Chrome and Firefox), login with different users in each one. Then with one of the users try to send a private message to the other user.
###### Did the other user received the message in realtime?
##### Using the two browsers with the users start a chat between the two of them.
###### Did the chat between the users went well? (did not crash the server)
##### Try and open three browsers (ex: Chrome and Firefox or a private browser), login with different users in each one. Then with one of the users try to send a private message to one of the other users.
###### Did only the targeted user received the message?
##### Using the three browsers with the users, enter with each user a common group. Then start sending messages to the common chat room using one of the users.
###### Did all the users that are common to the group receive the message in realtime?
##### Using the three browsers with the users, continue chatting between the users in the group.
###### Did the chat between the users went well? (did not crash the server)
###### Can you confirm that it is possible to send emojis via chat to other users?
#### Docker
#### Bonus
###### +Can you login using Github or other type of external OAuthenticator (open standard for access delegation)?
###### +Did student created a migration to fill the database?