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## shoppingsummarycounter
### Instructions
You have a receipt from the grocery store and you want to know how many of each item you bought. Write a function that returns this summary.
Given a `string` count the total amount of times each item appears in it and return a summary including the item and its number of appearances as an `int`.
### Expected function
func ShoppingSummaryCounter(str string) map[string]int {
### Usage
Here is a possible program to test your function:
package main
import (
func main() {
summary := "Burger Water Carrot Coffee Water Water Chips Carrot Carrot Burger Carrot Water"
for index, element := range piscine.ShoppingSummaryCounter(summary) {
And its output:
$ go run . | cat -e
Burger => 2$
Water => 4$
Carrot => 4$
Coffee => 1$
Chips => 1$