You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## Where do we go?
### Instructions
Tired of staying home for too long, you decide to develop a page to index ideas for your next travel destinations, so that next time you'll ask yourself 'Where do we go?', you won't need to get lost for 3 hours!
Write the function `explore` which creates a page displaying the list of `places` provided in the data file below:
- sort the `places` from the Northest to the Southest
- display a fullscreen-size `<section>` for each place ; use the pics hosted in the `./where-do-we-go_images` folder (find the download link below) to set the `background` attribute with the corresponding image URL. The URL has to be formatted like so: `./where-do-we-go_images/name-of-the-place.jpg`
- display a location indicator as a `<a>` tag in the middle of the screen which:
- has the class `location`
- displays as text strings separated by `\n`, the `name` and the `coordinates` of the current place featured in the image
- using the corresponding `color` as text color
- updates the `name`, `coordinates` and `color` on scroll, when the top of the next image reaches the middle of the screen height
- has the `href` attribute set to open **a new tab** redirecting to a Google Maps' URL with the coordinates of the place currently displayed
- display a compass as a `div` tag indicating the latitude direction which:
- has the class `direction`
- displays `N` for North if the user is scrolling up
- displays `S` for South if he's scrolling down
### Notions
- [Scroll event](
- [`window`]( [`innerHeight`](, [`scrollY`](, [`pageYOffset`](
- Take a look at the [DMS coordinates system](
### Files
You only need to create & submit the JS file `where-do-we-go.js` ; we're providing you the following files to download (click right and save link) & test locally:
- the HTML file [where-do-we-go.html](./where-do-we-go.html) to open in the browser, which includes:
- the JS script which will allow to run your code
- some CSS pre-styled classes: feel free to use those as they are, or modify them
- the data file [](./ from which you can import `places`
- the images to use, in this [compressed folder](
### Expected result
You can see an example of the expected result [here](