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## matrix_transposition
### Instructions
- Define the structure matrix as a tuple of tuples of `i32`'s
- Define a function that calculate the transpose matrix of a 2x2 matrix.
- Note:
- The transpose of a matrix `A` is the matrix `A'` where `A'`'s columns are `A`'s row and the rows are the columns:
( a b ) __ transposition __> ( a d )
( c d ) ( b d )
- Matrix must implement Debug, PartialEq and Eq. You can use derive
- Remember that you're defining a library so you have to make public the elements that are going to be called from an external crate.
### Notions
[Chapter 7]( )
### Expected Function
pub fn transpose(m: Matrix) -> Matrix {
### Usage
Here is a posible program to test your function
fn main() {
let matrix = Matrix((1, 3), (4, 5));
println!("Original matrix {:?}", matrix);
println!("Transpose matrix {:?}", transpose(matrix));
And it's output:
student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run
Original matrix Matrix((1, 3), (4, 5))
Transpose matrix Matrix((1, 4), (3, 5))