You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
866 B

## explain
### Instructions
"So you want to play?"
"How did you do it?"
5 years ago
The commissioner thanks you for delivering the suspect. He now asks you how did you get onto his trail.
Write an `` file that:
- displays the first and last name of your key witness
- displays the interview number of this witness
- displays the colour and the make of the car of the main suspect
- displays the names of the 3 other main suspects that were not arrested (in alphabetical order of their last name)
### Usage
$ ./ | cat -e
FirstNameOfWitness LastNameOfWitness$
Red Ferrari$
FirstNameOfSuspect1 LastNameOfSuspect1$
FirstNameOfSuspect2 LastNameOfSuspect2$
FirstNameOfSuspect3 LastNameOfSuspect3$
### Hint
"The answers in the usage are obviously there for formatting only, but you obviously knew that already... or did you? :) "