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## ArmyOfOne
In this exercise, you will learn to create a complex player movement from scratch. The character you will use is Countess from the game Paragon. She's nice after you know her, just give her a chance.
### Objectives
For this project you will implement a fully playable character using what we call Animation Blueprint, Aim Offset and PlayerCharacter Blueprint.
### Instructions
Starting from an empty project, after creating a level with a floor (nothing else is really required), you should:
- create a Third Player Character Blueprint and apply the Countess mesh to it.
- give the character the ability to:
- move forward, backward, left and right using the WASD keys
- look around and change direction using the mouse
- jump using Space
- attack using the left mouse click
- create an animation blueprint file to animate the character so she can be animated while running, jumping, attacking, etc.
- implement the Aim Offset, so that when the player moves the mouse, the head of Countess follow the direction we’re looking at, in a 180-degree angle.
- separate the upper and lower body part, so that the character is able to walk and attack at the same time without any animation problems.
- make Countess lean according to the mouse direction, while running forward.
- use Animation Blendspace to organize your movements.
- use Animation Blueprint variables to handle different animation states.
After downloading and unzipping this [file](), you can copy its content to your project Content folder.
When finished, your project should look like the [“Expected Result” video](
> Do not forget to zip up the project compile and save everything for peer correction.