You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
2.3 KiB

#### Functional
4 years ago
###### Does the data appear in a `<table>` element?
###### Does the table present just the required data (icon, name, full name, power stats, race, gender, height, weight, place of birth, alignment), instead of all of it?
###### Has client-side pagination been implemented? Are there different pages that display different information?
###### Does the table initially displays 20 results?
###### Can you change the page size to one of **10**, **20**, **50**, **100** or **all results**?
###### Are the results initially sorted by the **name** column in **ascending** order?
###### Are all columns of the table clickable in order to sort the results?
##### Try to click once to sort the table by weight.
###### Was the table sorted numerically by weight in **ascending** order? (be aware that cases like [75 kg, 100kg] should be in that order and not the other way around)
##### Try to click twice to sort the table by place of birth.
###### Were the results sorted alphabetically by place of birth in **descending** order?
##### Try to click several times on a column and observe its behavior.
###### Did the sort order toggle between **ascending** and **descending** order?
###### Are the missing values always shown last?
##### Write only `Cat` on the search field.
###### As you type, do the results on the table change?
###### Does Catwoman appear in the results?
###### Does the project contains the use of `fetch`?
4 years ago
##### Check the project to ensure that it does not use any libraries of frameworks (React, Vue, Svelte etc).
###### Is the project free of any frameworks or librairies?
4 years ago
#### Bonus
###### +Can you search for any fields apart from the name?
###### +Can you do a search with search these search operators: include/exclude for strings and equal/not equal/greater than/less than)?
###### +If you click on a hero, does the site display the details and a large image of it?
###### +Does the URL change when you make a search?
###### +After making a search and the URL changes, if you copy and paste it to a different tab, are the results displayed in the table the same as the ones from the previous tab?
###### +Does the project run quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)?
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](