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## tetrisoptimizer
### Objectives
Develop a program that receives only one argument, a path to a text file which will contain a list of [tetrominoes]( to assemble them in order to create the smallest square possible.
### Allowed packages
- Only the [standard go]( packages are allowed
### Instructions
The program must :
- Compile successfully
- Assemble all of the tetrominoes in order to create the smallest square possible
- Identify each tetromino in the solution by printing them with uppercase latin letters (`A` for the first one, `B` for the second, etc)
- Expect at least one tetromino in the text file
- In case of bad format on the tetrominoes or bad file format it should print `ERROR`
- The project must be written in **Go**.
- The code must respect the [**good practices**](
- It is recommended that the code should present a **test file**.
This project will help you learn about:
- The use of algorithms
- Reading from files
#### Example of a text File
- If it isn't possible to form a complete square, the program should leave spaces between the tetrominoes. For example:
## Usage
$ cat -e sample.txt
$ go run . sample.txt | cat -e