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#### Functional
###### Are all the framework API correctly documented? (If so, you will need it for the next questions)
##### First take a look at the behavior of the code presented in the [_dom/README.md_]( file. Then try to replicate the behavior of the example with the corresponding template of the framework and run the app.
###### Can you create the red box and the button present in the example?
##### With the same example as above, open the Web Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and go to the Inspector Tab.
###### Are the elements created as they should (the red box and the button inside the app div)?
##### Still on the Inspector Tab, does all the elements have the right attributes (id, class, style)?
###### With the same example, did the box move when you clicked the button?
##### First take a look at the behavior of the code presented in the [_routing/README.md_]( file. Then try to replicate the behavior of the example with the corresponding template of the framework and run the app. (Making the page reload is not required)
###### Were you able to switch between the two pages?
###### With the same example as above, did the URL changed when you switch between pages?
##### With the same example, try to define a state by assigning a value to it in the 'Home Page' and then switch to the 'Active Page'.
###### If you check the state, does it kept the value assigned to it?
#### Bonus
###### +Is the performance similar both in the framework code and the examples above?
###### +Is it easier to handle the DOM using the framework than it is to use plain HTML and JS?
###### +Is it easier to handle the routing in JS using the framework?
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
###### +Is the code using synchronicity to increase performance?