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interacive questions added

OGordoo 5 years ago
  1. 12
  2. 17
  3. 17
  4. 12
  5. 12
  6. 12
  7. 3


@ -17,6 +17,18 @@
##### Try passing as arguments `"RGB()" --color=blue`, in order to color just the B.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower and upper case letters, and a random color in the color flag ("--color=").
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces, and a random color in the color flag ("--color=").
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters, and a random color in the color flag ("--color="), specifying one letter to be coloured.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters and a random color in the color flag ("--color="), specifying a set of letters to be coloured.
###### Does it display the expected result?
#### General
##### +Is it easy/intuitive to specify letter(s) to be coloured?


@ -109,8 +109,25 @@ o-O-o o o-o o o o-o o o o | o o o--O
###### Does it display the string in the right template as an ASCII art representation as above?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with upper and lower case letters followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with numbers followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with numbers, spaces, special characters, upper and lower case letters followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
###### Is the file system well organized?
#### General
###### +Does the project contain their own templates?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?


@ -30,12 +30,25 @@
##### Try passing as arguments `"a -> A b -> B c -> C" shadow --align=right`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the right side?
###### Try reducing the terminal window and run `abcd shadow --align=right`
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `abcd shadow --align=right`
###### Does the representation adapt to the terminal size displaying the right result in the right side?
###### Try reducing the terminal window and run `ola standard --align=center`
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `ola standard --align=center`
###### Does the representation adapt to the terminal size displaying the right result in the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower and upper case letters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?


@ -121,6 +121,18 @@ student$ cat test07.txt
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower and upper case letters, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
###### Are all the test files tested saved?
#### Basic


@ -25,6 +25,18 @@
###### Does it display the value above?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with lower and upper case letters.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with special characters.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters.
###### Does it display the expected result?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)


@ -202,6 +202,18 @@ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as above?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least four lower case letters and three upper case letters.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least five lower case letters, a space and two numbers.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least one upper case letters and 3 special characters.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least two lower case letters, two spaces, one number, two special characters and three upper case letters.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)


@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ Error
##### Try to run `"./push_swap <5 random numbers>"` with 5 random numbers instead of the tag.
###### Does it displays a valid solution and less than 12 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap <5 random numbers>"` with 5 different random numbers instead of the tag.
###### Does it still displays a valid solution and less than 12 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./checker "` and input nothing.
###### Does it display nothing?
