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feat(localhost): add details for CGI and config file

mikysett 2 years ago
  1. 114


@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Here you will learn the basics of the protocol and a good place to start could b
- You can compare your results with `NGINX` which will be used as the reference.
- Your server should be compatible with the last version of your chosen browser.
- Your server should manage at least [`GET`, `POST`, `DELETE`] methods.
- Your server should be able to receive file uploads made by the client.
- Your server should handle cookies and sessions.
- You should create default error pages for at least the following error codes [400,403,404,405,413,500].
- Your server should call `select` function (or `poll` or equivalent) only once for each client/server communication.
@ -34,114 +35,31 @@ Here you will learn the basics of the protocol and a good place to start could b
- Based on the file extension the server will execute the corresponding `CGI` (for example `.php` or `.py`).
- You need to implement only one `CGI` of your choice.
- You are allowed to fork a new process to run the `CGI`.
- The `CGI` should run in the correct directory for relative path file access.
- You must use the environment parameter of `CGI`.
- `CGI` expects the file to process as first argument and `EOF` as end of the body.
- Pay attention to the directory where the `CGI` will run for correct relative paths handling.
- The `CGI` will check `PATH_INFO` environment variable to define the full path.
#### Configuration File
This an example of a simple server configuration :
In the file you should be able to specify the following:
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
error_page Mozilla 404 /usr/share/nginx/errors/404.html;
client_body_size 10m;
location /
http_methods GET POST DELETE;
index index.html
upload_status on;
upload_path /usr/share/nginx/upload;
In the example above if the "upload_status" is "off", there is no need for "upload_path."
You have to base your server on this example but you must test also more complex configurations with multiple locations and ports and multiple servers such as:
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location ...{
location ...{
server {
listen 5000;
listen 5001;
location ...{
server {
listen 5001;
listen 5002;
listen 5003;
location ...{
location ...{
location ...{
The Main Rules :
- Choose the host(server_address) and a port or multiple ports for each server.
- The first server for a host:port will be the default if the "server_name" didn't match any other servers "server_name".
- Setup default error pages.
- Choose the host (server_address) and one port or multiple ports for each server.
- The first server for a host:port will be the default if the "server_name" didn't match any other server.
- Path to custom error pages.
- Limit client body size for uploads.
- Setup routes with one or multiple of the following rules/configuration (routes won't be using regexp):
- Setup routes with one or multiple of the following settings:
- Define a list of accepted HTTP methods for the route.
- Define an HTTP redirection.
- Define a directory or a file from where the file should be searched (for example, if URL /test is rooted to /usr/Desktop, url /usr/Desktop/tmp/folder1/folder2).
- Turn on or off the directory listing.
- Define a directory or a file from where the file should be searched (for example, if `/test` is rooted to `/usr/Desktop`, the URL `/test/my_page.html` will route to `/usr/Desktop/my_page.html`).
- Define a default file for the route if the URL is a directory.
- Specify a `CGI` to use for a certain file extension.
- Turn on or off directory listing.
- Set a default file to answer if the request is a directory.
- No need to manage comments "(#)".
- No need to manage comments "(#)".
> There is no need to pass through `poll` when reading the configuration file.
to check the syntax of the config file you must run this :
> Routes won't need to support regular expressions.
$ ./localhost -t GoodConfigFile.conf
Localhost : the configuration file GoodConfigFile.conf syntax is ok
$ ./localhost -t WrongConfigFile.conf
you miss server_addr in server 3
> There is no need to pass through `poll` when reading the configuration file.
#### Testing your server
- Do stress tests (for example with `siege -b [IP]:[PORT]`), it must stay available at all costs (availability should be up to 95.99).
