# Stock Market ### Exercise Develop an app that will simulate a `real-time` stock market. You may use [Yahoo](https://algotrading101.com/learn/yahoo-finance-api-guide/#:~:text=Why%20should%20I%20use%20the%20Yahoo%20Finance%20API%3F,-Free&text=One%20good%20reason%20is%20because%20it%20can%20be%20completely%20free.) API for data retrieval. For any new user, provide them with `1,000,000$` fake dollars, so that they can do operations within your app. These operations include: - Log in/out - Buy/hold stocks - See historical charts of stock prices - Retrieve data about a particular stock for the last year or since the company went public - Updating data about a stock (Updating data atleast 5 times in a second is considered real-time) Make sure to manage states via any of the following patterns: - BLoC - Provider - MVC ### Todo list - Route for login/signup page - Route with all the purchased stocks - Route to display historical data of the chosen stock - All the data must be fetched in real-time - Choose 20 stocks to monitor ### Objective - Fetching data in real-time - Visualizing custom widgets in real-time - Making authentication and authorization services - Use of patterns