## roman_numbers ### Instructions Implement the `From` trait to create a roman number from a number. The roman number should be in subtractive notation (the common way to write roman number I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X ...). Start by defining the digits as `RomanDigit` (`Nulla` is 0). Next define `RomanNumber` as a wrapper to a vector of `RomanDigit`, and implement the Trait `From`. ### Expected Functions and Data Structures ```rust use crate::RomanDigit::*; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum RomanDigit { Nulla, I, V, X, L, C, D, M, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct RomanNumber(pub Vec); impl From for RomanDigit { } impl From for RomanNumber { } ``` ### Usage Here is a program to test your function. ```rust use roman_numbers::RomanNumber; fn main() { println!("{:?}", RomanNumber::from(32)); println!("{:?}", RomanNumber::from(9)); println!("{:?}", RomanNumber::from(45)); println!("{:?}", RomanNumber::from(0)); } ``` And its output: ```console $ cargo run RomanNumber([X, X, X, I, I]) RomanNumber([I, X]) RomanNumber([X, L, V]) RomanNumber([Nulla]) $ ```