## scytale_cipher ### Instructions Create a **function** which decode a scytale cipher (also known as spartan cipher). In practice, it is represented by a strip wrapped around a cylinder. The message is written across the loops of the strip (not along the strip). The message becomes *coded* if the radius of the cylinder changes, or the strip is removed from the cylinder. Your function will receive a `String` representing the ciphered message, and a `u32` representing the number of letters by turn of the strip around the cylinder. > If the ciphered message is empty or the letters per turn are 0 the function will return `None`. ### Example **letters_per_turn 2:** `"scytale Code"` -> `"sec yCtoadle"` ```console -------------------------------- |s| |c| |y| |t| |a| |l| |e| | | |C| |o| |d| |e| -------------------------------- ``` **letters_per_turn 4:** `"scytale Code"` -> `"steoca dylCe"` ```console ------------------------------------------ |s| |c| |y| |t| |a| |l| |e| | | |C| |o| |d| |e| ------------------------------------------ ``` ### Expected Functions ```rust pub fn scytale_decoder(s: String, letters_per_turn: u32) -> Option { } ``` ### Usage Here is a program to test your function ```rust fn main() { println!("\"sec yCtoadle\" size=2 -> {:?}", scytale_decoder("sec yCtoadle".to_string(), 2)); println!("\"steoca dylCe\" size=4 -> {:?}", scytale_decoder("steoca dylCe".to_string(), 4)); } ``` And its output ```console $ cargo run "sec yCtoadle" size=2 -> Some("scytale Code") "steoca dylCe" size=4 -> Some("scytale Code") $ ```