# loafofbread ### Instructions Write a function `LoafOfBread()` that takes a string and returns another one with words of 5 characters and skips the next character followed by newline `\n`. - If there is a space in the middle of a word it should ignore it and get the next character until getting to a length of 5. - If the string is less than 5 characters return "Invalid Output\n". ### Expected function ```go func LoafOfBread(str string) string { } ``` ### Usage Here is a possible program to test your function: ```go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Print(LoafOfBread("deliciousbread")) fmt.Print(LoafOfBread("This is a loaf of bread")) fmt.Print(LoafOfBread("loaf")) } ``` And its output: ```go $ go run . | cat -e delic ousbr ad$ Thisi aloaf fbrea$ Invalid Output$ ```