## rotate ### Instructions In this exercise, if you do not know about it already, you will learn about the rotational cipher "ROT13". A ROT13 on the Latin alphabet would be as follows: - Plain: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - Cipher: nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm Your purpose in this exercise is to create a similar `rotate` function that is a better version of the ROT13 cipher. Your function will receive a `string` and a `number` and it will rotate each letter of that `string` by the `number` of times settled by the second argument towards the right, or towards the left if the number is negative. Your `function` should only rotate letters. If the string includes punctuation and numbers they will remain the same. ### Notions - [patterns](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch18-00-patterns.html) ### Expected functions ```rust pub fn rotate(input: &str, key: i8) -> String { } ``` ### Usage Here is a program to test your function. ```rust use rot::*; fn main() { println!("The letter \"a\" becomes: {}", rotate("a", 26)); println!("The letter \"m\" becomes: {}", rotate("m", 0)); println!("The letter \"m\" becomes: {}", rotate("m", 13)); println!("The letter \"a\" becomes: {}", rotate("a", 15)); println!("The word \"MISS\" becomes: {}", rotate("MISS", 5)); println!( "The decoded message is: {}", rotate("Gur svir obkvat jvmneqf whzc dhvpxyl.", 13) ); println!( "The decoded message is: {}", rotate("Mtb vznhpqd ifky ozrunsl ejgwfx ajc", 5) ); println!( "Your cypher wil be: {}", rotate("Testing with numbers 1 2 3", 4) ); println!("Your cypher wil be: {}", rotate("Testing", -14)); println!("The letter \"a\" becomes: {}", rotate("a", -1)); } ``` And its output: ```console student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run The letter "a" becomes: a The letter "m" becomes: m The letter "m" becomes: z The letter "a" becomes: p The word "MISS" becomes: RNXX The decoded message is: The five boxing wizards jump quickly. The decoded message is: Ryg aesmuvi nkpd tewzsxq jolbkc foh Your cypher wil be: Xiwxmrk amxl ryqfivw 1 2 3 Your cypher wil be: Fqefuzs The letter "a" becomes: z student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ ```