## lunch_queue ### Instructions You will need to create an *API*, so that a program can organize a queue of people. The program requires the following functions. Add them as associated functions to the `Queue` structure: - `new`: which will initialize the `Queue`. - `add`: which adds a person to the queue. - `invert_queue`: which reverses the queue. - `rm`: which removes the person who finished ordering their food. The removal should respect the FIFO method (first in first out). It should return the person's details. - `search`: which returns the details for a given person's `name`. You must also create a type named `Link`. This will be the connection of the structures `Queue` and `Person`. This will be a recursion type, and must point to `None` if there is no `Person` to point to. ### Expected Function and Structures ```rust pub struct Queue { pub node: Link, } pub type Link = pub struct Person { pub discount: i32, pub name: String, } impl Queue { pub fn new() -> Queue { } pub fn add(&mut self, name: String, discount: i32) { } pub fn invert_queue(&mut self) { } pub fn rm(&mut self) -> Option<(String, i32)> { } pub fn search(&self, name: &str) -> Option<(String, i32)> { } } ``` ### Usage Here is a program to test your function: ```rust fn main() { let mut list = Queue::new(); list.add(String::from("Marie"), 20); list.add(String::from("Monica"), 15); list.add(String::from("Ana"), 5); list.add(String::from("Alice"), 35); println!("{:?}", list); println!("{:?}", list.search("Marie")); println!("{:?}", list.search("Alice")); println!("{:?}", list.search("someone")); println!("removed {:?}", list.rm()); println!("list {:?}", list); list.invert_queue(); println!("invert {:?}", list); } ``` And its output: ```console $ cargo run Queue { node: Some(Person { name: "Alice", discount: 35, next_person: Some(Person { name: "Ana", discount: 5, next_person: Some(Person { name: "Monica", discount: 15, next_person: Some(Person { name: "Marie", discount: 20, next_person: None }) }) }) }) } Some(("Marie", 20)) Some(("Alice", 35)) None removed Some(("Marie", 20)) list Queue { node: Some(Person { name: "Alice", discount: 35, next_person: Some(Person { name: "Ana", discount: 5, next_person: Some(Person { name: "Monica", discount: 15, next_person: None }) }) }) } invert Queue { node: Some(Person { name: "Monica", discount: 15, next_person: Some(Person { name: "Ana", discount: 5, next_person: Some(Person { name: "Alice", discount: 35, next_person: None }) }) }) } $ ``` ### Notions - [enum](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/custom_types/enum.html) - [Box](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch15-01-box.html) - [std::option](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/option/)