## Time to Pay 💸 ### `||` (the OR operator) The other way to group condtions: ```js if (user.role === 'admin' || user.role === 'moderator') { console.log(user.name, 'has access to moderation pages.') } ``` Here, the code will only show the message if **any** conditions are true. ### Instructions You are selling planes tickets, they all cost `9.99$` you must confirm that the `customer` has the means to buy this ticket. The `customer` may have enough `cash` or a `voucher` Check if the provided variable `customer` can afford the ticket: - whether he has enough cash (`customer.cash` property) - or, if he has a voucher (`customer.hasVoucher` property is `true`) If so, you must increment the provided variable `ticketSold` value by `1`.